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PetiteElise_xcxlive sex stripping with hd cam


35 thoughts on “PetiteElise_xcxlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It doesn't matter, period!! Leave him and walk away! He wants to cheat and probably already has!! What more do you need? Dump him and walk away

  2. I don't know that there's anything you can do. People in new relationships often can see no wrong with the person, and anything you say against her is more likely to mess up your friendship.

  3. 3 months an jewelry is way too soon. It sounds like you know your partner. Your parents are outdated and wrong.

  4. I think it’s also important to know that we are NOT kink shaming when we call the slave or Auschwitz inmate fantasy disgusting. Because that’s not their “kink”. Their kink is being dominating, and there are really healthy ways to explore that kink safely. These guys are just being racist.

    They could even do role-playing scenarios that are unrelated to recent historical events—Starship Captain and Alien Captive, or like Tinkerbell and Captain Hook, or something. You do NOT have to be racist to role play.

  5. Lying about age is usually indicative of insecurity. Doesn't make it okay, though.

    The fact that you fixate so much that you're willing to slog through 4 pages on a Google search is a red flag in itself.

    He lied about a three year difference.

    I'm not one to go on about age gaps, I really don't care as long as they're in a healthy, happy relationship, but I don't know. I feel a bit weird about this one. I think you both may have some growing up to do given the above.

    In any case, the best thing you can do is communicate about it and ask him.

  6. i haven’t met any of them, but i know their names and ages and that’s about it. but maybe the approach you mentioned will work better! thank you!

  7. Just break up, do not tell her the reason, because you don't have to!

    Just brake up, go no contact, block all.

    This will mess with her way more than anything, even better than you telling her you know all, because that will only give her a way of blaming you.

    Go cold turkey, losing what she has nearest will make her forget what she might have far away, and then you are nowhere to be found or reached, she will be stressed out by this, but no head-ache for you, win-win.

    You go!

  8. He sounds like a raving lunatic, put on headphones, try to ignore him, don't look at him, do not respond to him, hide in your room and lock it if possible. Go to the gym, it will be a relief to be out of the toxic environment. Checking your lease or contacting a women's shelter are also good suggestions.

  9. Hello /u/May-be-its,

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  10. A lot of men can’t have sex twice in a few hours and they need time to recover between sessions. Diabetes isn’t necessarily the reason. If you need a stud who can go all day, find someone with a very high sex drive. But it seems like this guy has distanced himself from you already since he’s too busy to see you and doesn’t care about your sexy pictures. He sounds pretty healthy to get away from you.

  11. doorknobs, shaking hands

    You're giving examples here of things that are easily avoided with basic hand hygiene, something that OP and her partner already do. These are not comparable to things like sharing forks, toothbrushes, joints, and anything that gets someone's spit into your mouth. That would be like licking a doorknob, or licking your hand after touching one.

  12. The very FRIST rule of almost any interaction, let alone relationship is:

    Never threaten something you do not want to carry through

    It’s manipulative to induce fear and misdirect from the debate at hand.

    So, … Call. His. Bluff. … noting the same rule applies.. but, I’d do it if I were you, it’s unfair tactics and shows real disregard of your feelings and the relationship’s value.

  13. I know you may be right. I guess, just the aspect of being alone and unable to feel love like I did with her is naked. I guess I might be desperate to try to make it work, even if it won’t.

  14. This is unreasonable and controlling. This woman is the mother of your children, not a long lost relationship you refuse to let go. For the rest of your children’s life, she will be in your life. Your wife was aware of this when she married you. There will be weddings, graduations, birthdays, etc.

    There might be something your wife is letting you in on, and I’d probe for that.

  15. Based on what you wrote, it seems like being alone would be no different help-wise from what he contributes now. Is that accurate?

  16. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I'm 24F and yes they're twins, that's the issue.

    My family is having this huge reunion/destination wedding thing starting next week. My siblings and I live! far away from one another, we never get to see each other. I proposed we all get here early and take the weekend to enjoy spending some time together.

    They said they couldn't do that but I felt the need for a little vacation anyway so I was going to have a fun weekend in a new city on my own. I had some delays because of my pet sitter so I ended up getting to the hotel only a few hours ago.

    My mom had messaged me during my drive to tell me that she thought my sister might already be there. I found that odd as my sister said nothing to me but I was happy for the sudden change in plans as that meant I could spend some time with her after all. I quickly made a plan to check in and go hang out with her, maybe get some food delivered, watch a movie.

    As I'm checking in, I quite literally see my brother has beaten me to the punch. He walked right by the reception carrying bags of food. I already knew where this was going. I go to the room my sister and I were supposed to be sharing from Mon on and knock. Sure enough, my sister opens up and seems annoyed to see me standing there. She tries to get rid of me saying she's tired, she'll see me tomorrow, stuff like that. I'm like yeah I already saw (brother) in the lobby.

    She can't even hide the shock on her face like she was clearly caught red-handed. I just pushed past her because I had to see it for myself. And yes, the room's a mess, they're both in their pjs, I can see both of their luggages, they've clearly been there over the weekend. They both looked MORTIFIED.

    I have no words. This isn't the first time they've done it and it clearly won't be the last. They both missed out on Christmas this year because they both had covid at the same time. Coincidence or just my siblings hanging out without me again?

    This has been going on ever since we were kids. Growing up, we each had our own room but they'd sneak in to each other's room at night even though my parents didn't allow it. They never allowed me to sleep with them. It was just a them thing.

    Neither one of them has even tried coming to my room or apologizing. I'm seriously considering just cutting them out of my life. Like how am I supposed to handle them clearly only caring about each other?

    Tl;dr – my siblings always exclude me, can I fix that?

  17. as a disabled american who isnt high needs, im thankful that you take care of your sister. a lot of people wouldnt, as evidenced by how your girlfriend reacted. americans are really stuck-up about nudity around family members, but thats our cultural problem. if she wants to ghost you thats her problem

  18. And you think it will get better when your then married? No, rethink what you are actually looking for! Because it actually don't work yhat way and seldom gets better, especially after the initial honeymoon period?

  19. That makes a lot of sense, I told my girlfriend to tell her friend to get STD tested and whatnot, but this is a terrible situation to be in, and I’m really disappointed he’s chosen to act like this.

  20. Anyone in a secure healthy relationship who wants to go somewhere that their partner can't or doesn't want to go. Maybe he couldn't get time off or something. I have a five year old and my partner and I don't take all our holidays together because of work schedules.

  21. My god are there a lot of 14 year olds on here who think someone feeling emotionally confused in a 24 year long marriage is cheating.

    She saw this man once and has the doubts that come and go in many long lasting marriages.

  22. Why would it be impossible? OP telling the truth doesn’t excuse her shady behavior or at all invalidate bf’s loss of trust.

  23. FWIW I agree with the comments left by others here re: using the child to sooth her dysmorphia etc. however, is there a compromise you could reach? Is there some kind of breast feeding simulator type product she could wear over her breasts so that the baby gets milk while she “breastfeeds”? Just a thought.

  24. It sounds like you need to get this out of your system. I think you should talk to her about it so that you can understand what each other’s feelings are.

  25. Yep this is something she needs to take up with a therapist. At the end of the day she was born a man and will never stop carrying the XY sex chromosomes. She'll never experience certain things only those who were born with XX chromosomes and have had to go through life as biological women and fully functioning parts. There's no period, no eventual menopause, no breastfeeding, and no possibility of a pregnancy and that's something she needs to come to terms with. Preferably with the help of a therapist and not using their son as a prop to her fantasy. His needs come first.

  26. As I said in the post, we go out to eat after the class. And you're right, Jade and I are in different life stages, but I don't feel that means we can't be friends. If the issue is with me being young and naive and being unable to handle this conflict, then that means I need to leave this situation.

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