Sheila-Williams on-line sex chats for YOU!


8 thoughts on “Sheila-Williams on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I'm sorry I don't quite understand.

    Are you angry because he doesn't pay for every date, gets you gifts and pampers you?

  2. 10 kisses in 6 months? That’s decidedly odd. I can understand her wanting to wait to lose her virginity until she’s really very sure of you, but no physicality?

    Have you asked her about the no kissing bit? She’s not a child. This may be a sign that you should move on unless you want a lifetime of a decidedly unsatisfactory sex life.

  3. How did you get seven years into this relationship without discussing this? No offense at all but it all comes down to talking—I too have been in a relationship for 7 years and I made it clear pretty early that I wanted to lock it down, he came around to it a few years later (gotta let that brain develop!) and now we’re ring shopping. Discussion discussion discussion

  4. This is what therapy, individual and couples therapy is for.

    A likely profoundly unpopular opinion on here: but she is deeply selfish for revealing this information now. If she has been a loyal partner for the past six years, and had two transgressions when she was 19 with the guy she lost her virginity with…. She just shouldn’t have said anything.

    Young people make terrible awful mistakes. In fact, they scientifically are demonstrated to be wired to make more mistakes. Is she a horrible deceitful misleading and amoral/immoral person? Possibly. But maybe she was just young and stupid.

    The challenge of our current society is that is it demands total transparency and total intolerance for mistakes. This isn’t viable. She should have been silent and learned that something she did twice at 19 isn’t the defining flaw in her future marriage to you.

    I know you must be deeply deeply hurt. And I definitely can understand that you wouldn’t be excited about marrying your partner now. So therapy for you would probably be helpful.

    If you decide you still want to spend the rest of your life with her, then you’re going to need couple counselling before you move forward. Not because she cheated twice six years ago. But because she decided to reveal that fact to you just as you both started to discuss your future forever life.

    I’m so sorry this has happened to you and your entire life has been thrown up in the air like this. It doesn’t have to be the end of the end of this relationship but it does have to be the start of a new chapter of it.

  5. Because so far I didn’t have sex with others on purpose, and if I tell him I want it because he can’t meet my need than that’s rude, is it not? Also I don’t really know how to bring the subject up in a conversation, because I didn’t really had an open relationship before.

  6. You are conveniently blowing past the most important golden rule of polyamory, you can't be polyamorous with a monogamous person! Its moxing orientations, if you believe wanting to fuck anyone anytime is a sexual orientation. I mean you would never tell your lesbian friend to go date a straight man, it's inconceivable.

    You are unbelievable. You want your cake and to eat it too. You want the stable, dependable, loyal boyfriend waiting at home while you have to option to go fuck anyone that catches your eye because that's wHo YoU aRe. That logic is fucked up, childish, and deeply selfish.

    I hope he smartens up and realizes you aren't girlfriend material, just “fun girl” material.

  7. How did your son learn of the pregnancy? Did you have a sit down alone and talked about it? I know I am an internet stranger but these are crucial details. How did you get the message across, what was his initial reaction, how did he behave towards your wife?

  8. I think it's time to say that comments like that are not funny. Knock it off. If he doesn't the answer is clear

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