Poisonn-Grirl live webcams for YOU!


Poisonn-Grirl Public Chat Channel

Date: October 26, 2022

10 thoughts on “Poisonn-Grirl live webcams for YOU!

  1. I can’t read the comments for some reason, please message me your opinions if possible i really some advice on this 🙁

  2. You seem to have wanted this family info for yourself, snd somehow decided it would be a gift to your mom. I think tha was a big misstep. If you wanted to know about distant family members, you should have kept that to yourself. Now you've given her this “gift” that's brought trauma in its wake. Apologize for involve ng her in something she didn't want. If you want to pursue these relationships, do so without involving her.

  3. Bruh if you don’t divorce her and get away from her, before she try to frame you for something

  4. It's not natural, it's training and practice. Go read SM 101 and The New Topping Book then ask if there's anything she wants to try.

  5. Tell you you've had to help out a relative financially, and money is tight at the moment. And btw what about they 1.100 USD you owe me? I couls really use them right now.

  6. I took it as a joke like “I destroyed your pussy” after they had a round of sex. Unless the boyfriend is really cruel, I think it was more likely just a dumb thing he blurted out without thinking.

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