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Ketrin–vilive sex stripping with hd cam


26 thoughts on “Ketrin–vilive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I agree with that and have always found it creepy. I work in a field where it’s pretty normal to meet these kind of IG models and many of them I know he just knows from around town, but still I think it’s weird he keeps following all of them, replies to their stories and strikes up conversations with them, calling them nicknames.

  2. I understand why you feel bad about hiding your infertility, but it IS a very hot thing to talk about and even though you weren’t completely honest, you DID look for a man who wanted to be child-free. So: personally, I don’t think you are that nuch to blame.

    BUT! He tried to get you pregnant against your wishes and “””luckily””” it didn’t work, but imagine if it did. He would be binding you to him with a child you didn’t want.

    That is NOT ok!!!

    Don’t try to save the relationship, it is not healthy.

  3. That's why he's 29 and dating a 42 year old. She's desperate enough to support him just because she gets to be with a much younger guy. If he was good on his own, he'd have found someone his own age.

  4. Your bf got all up in his dad's face, dad said to back off. Bf stepped closer, then dad pushed him.

    Your bf was behaving aggressively and by stepping forward instead of backwards, was the aggressor.

  5. My approach would be to have a private discussion with the mistress and tell her that you caught him cheating with some woman who looks nothing like the mistress. It makes her feel insecure about herself. And then just dump him so you don’t give him the satisfaction that he desires as a narcissist

  6. Currently going through this with my mother in law who is part of a large family who are generally on good terms with each other. She trying to get me to go to events and such. I keep trying to explain that the concept of family is generally poisoned for me as to my kin, family just means you know who's organs to harvest in the event of an emergency. I look forward to watching my genealogy die off.

  7. Additional to that, they sound like the least matched couple possible. This chick might have another unbearable unempethetic pretentious asshole out there to be their soulmate, but it isn't op.

  8. Walking outside of the path is supposed to be protective in terms of “if a car loses control and veers onto the sidewalk, let it hit me and not my girlfriend”. Not because people are looking at your ass.

  9. That's horrible and I am sorry that happened. However this does not dispute my point, if you even have the slight worry that your SO would react that badly to news like that you should not be with them in the first place, period. Either they have shown tendencies in the past to warrant the worry or you don't think very highly of them, in both cases you should not be with that person then.

  10. You would be lying only if you brought up the subject. I doubt a single one of those guys asked you who your BFF is on a first date. Your priority of bringing up your BFF time and time again is similar to people bringing up that they have a child. It's a priority that shouldn't be placed on a BFF.

    If the genders were flipped maybe then you would understand it.

  11. You should probably plan your exit BEFORE even bringing it up. Your husband is a fucking weirdo.

  12. I use to be the lead singer of a band singing in front of thousands, and now im the same way, not a big fan of crowds.

    Know that you can still enjoy the concert, I simply just go to the back and let the wild ones at the front so their thing. I get my space, and still get to enjoy the live music!

  13. “My current girl . . . Is not the type of girl I’d be willing to marry “

    That. There is your answer. Stop wasting your time with your girlfriend. Break up. Move out yes it sucks. But you just wrote 4,500 words about your predicament which is you want to keep your current girlfriend around just in case no one better shows up.

    How would she feel if she knew? It’s not fair to lead her on, especially if she’s planning on staying together or marriage or kids just break up with your current girl now. Today if not sooner. Every day you delay makes it harder.

    Maybe cute nerdy girl works out, maybe not. But you gotta get out of your current situation either way.

  14. Yes! Wife is being barraged by concern and offers of help but she seems not to care that her spouse is constantly being villanized. She needs to nip those voices in the bud, it's clear they know who is mouthing off, but I guess it doesn't matter to her much since she's barely bothered. Maybe she enjoys the attention she receives more than she loves her spouses mental health.

  15. I would hope that even if their bond grows to exceed your bond with him that they are both decent people who would not exclude you. Also, my primary worry is that your fear of being left behind is going to result in behavior that makes them want to leave you behind!

  16. honestly, what kind of brother would book his wedding on the exact day of your graduation? no offence but when im discussing dates with my future wife, the “my sister has her graduation that day” never freaking came up?

  17. So did he admit it to you last night or three weeks ago when you said it happened and then took a plan b? Either way you should leave him and he doesn’t need to be there for a pregnancy test

  18. She explicitly said she doesn’t want to see you so don’t break that boundary.

    Let’s list the things your ex has done for the relationship:

    Hang out with someone who has explicitly said they want to sleep her this disrespecting the relationship

    That same person that also hates your guts

    Neglect the relationship for THIS EXACT SAME PERSON

    4.Constantly blame you for all her ills and expect you to fix them

    Be extremely distant and not for a concise reason either. Thus creating anxiety and stress for you.

    6.suddenly breakup with you

    What books has she read in order to better love you? What steps has she taken to relieve your anxiety? What effort has she done? Because it seems like to she has taken 0 accountability and is kinda useless. Take this as a blessing.

  19. Absolute karma, even if it isn't real.

    Her sister messed around and found out. Now she's wallowing in her own misery trying to get all the support and negatively portray her older sister as the bad person.

    Enjoy being a single mom with the mind of a 16 year old.

  20. But most people haven’t said anything anti semitic they are just not understanding the difference between Judaism and Christianity

  21. You’re right, the fact that he texted back when he didn’t know who it was. But then suddenly stopped when he knew who I was…. I think I was in denial.

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