MY NAME LESLEY, ♥ the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


MY NAME LESLEY, ♥, 18 y.o.


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MY NAME LESLEY, ♥ live! sex chat

Date: October 24, 2022

17 thoughts on “MY NAME LESLEY, ♥ the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Walk away from this piece of sh!+, ASAP. He is using intimidation and violence to make you comply with what HE wants and he refuses to compromise. You can do so much better!

  2. This session a but extre, they invited her to stay with them, she's a guest, yes she should be picking up after herself I agree but they did say she's going through metal health issues, which can mess with executive function.

    The gay stereotyping is just weird advice. They've ve passive aggressive with their hints instead of communicating like an adult you suggest bring in a person to insult their guest leavingvthem still looking good in your mind.

  3. Sounds like a havye giggle between friends to me, particularly given that it was nothing she tried to hide. But given your reaction it does seem like you have incompatibility problems. I realize I'm in the minority here, but I feel like she's the one dodging the bullet by getting out now.

  4. Well firstly ACAB, your daddys a class traitor, enemy of the people and oppressive government tool.

    But, regardless of ACAB, your BF expressed a pretty mild and nuanced opinion on the topic, he explained his view while extending empathy and politeness towards your dad and the officers involved. Imo it was self centred and rude of your dad to make a lighthearted discussion into a politically fraught conversation that relates closely to him, particularly considering your dad already knew that any response other than “Oh yes of course sir I forgot how tragic those poor officers, may I lick your boots” was going to make him angry. Also considering your BF is a racial minority this feels like your dad was trying to bait him into an altercation based on the well established (and completely valid) hatred and distrust many minorities have for cops.

    I obviously don't believe anyone should have to show politeness, empathy or respect to oppressor classes but if you're a person who does think that a prerequisite for being listened to politically is politeness to everyone, regardless of how evil they are, then even by that standard your BF didn't do anything wrong. He expressed his opinion politely and respectfully and your dad still chose to have the tantrum that he had pretty clearly already planned to have. If you want to be a good GF you should support your BF in this and tell your dad that his behaviour isn't okay, that he doesn't get to kick your BF out based on a very mild difference in political opinion. Also for the lols ask your dad if he'd have kicked out a white BF who'd told a racist joke or something…because I tend to doubt it.

  5. Withholding truths is what messes up a person even more. The longer you sit on the truth, the more damage it creates. The son should be told as soon as his dad is able to process what he found out.

  6. Oh man. This is over. She had an affair and she’s not willing to cut contact immediately? She isn’t going to stop.

    Also you should send this evidence to his wife as well. She has kids with this man and she deserves the truth.

  7. Mere exposure effect. You lived with him. He spent hours listening to you. He spent a large amount of time with you, in a relatively short period. He developed feelings for you as a result. This happens, and unfortunately it happens more often when you are younger, and don't recognize the signs.

    I actually had to deal with my own feelings for a friend; she is the only woman I routinely talk to outside my family. My dating life has been practically zero for the last few years. I have a friend I would hang out with live, probably 2-3 times a week. I was lonely and she was so sweet and kind to me.

    But I recognized that my loneliness and frequent exposure to her had influenced me unduly. So instead of confessing, I worked through my feelings while rationalizing the many problems that would come from us dating. I worked through my feelings and sorted them out. Then, a few days ago, I happened to be talking to her. She asked “you interested?” in a certain context that made it seem like, to my groggy, early morning, and socially inept mind, if she was asking if I wanted to date her. It wasn't, to be clear, I just had a massive misunderstanding.

    I told her the truth; that I had had feelings for her, but I worked through them. We had a long discussion and we decided we wouldn't let it affect our relationship. But towards the end I did ask, out of curiosity, if she would have said yes had I confessed to her. She told me the thought had actually crossed her mind at one point, but she said our age difference was an issue for her. Which I accepted and we are still friends now.

    The fact that he had feelings for you is not surprising. The fact that you rejected him is fine. His handling of the rejection is the issue at the heart of the whole conflict. And I am going to guess that has to do with maturity, or the lack there of, from his age. If you want to save the relationship with him, the best thing you can do is have a heart to heart with him. Tell him that you are immensely grateful for all that he did, but you are not in the proper place to date someone, and you simply do not see him the same way he sees you. That you want to be friends, and then ask him if he can move forward now, needs some space for a bit, or if he cannot handle the rejection and you cna no longer be friends

  8. Thank you. I appreciated reading this. It just sucks. I am proud of myself for walking away this time, it shows me I at least did make some progress after I exited my last relationship

  9. All of this context would have been helpful in your original post:

    We have been fighting because I just found out her new job is being a stripper. She has been distant and doesn’t show affection or love. I pay all the bills and take care of everything and the kids. We have both cheated in the past we have been dating for 6 years on and off.

    This all sounds awful and I don't think there is a way to “fix” this. End things for good, work with a therapist, do what is best for the kids.

  10. I wouldn't say “make it known” because it could really backfire on her with no proof, but she should definitely confide in one or two people she trusts. Ideally, her parents-in-law.

    I hope she expands more on her relationship with her in-laws because it's hot to give advice without understand what their reaction might be.

  11. Run. Listen, it’d be one thing if she was being transparent with you that she’s struggling to get over an ex. I’d still be telling you to run, but at least we could all logically understand a situation like that.

    She’s here obsessing over a CRUSH; someone she’s creating a fantasy in her head about. Getting or staying involved with someone like this is setting you up for an absolute roller coaster in the nicest of terms.

    But listen, it doesn’t even matter. She straight up told you she’s not all in with you. That’s all there is to it. Good luck.

  12. Yes. You've been dating 2 years have met none of his friends as his girlfriend or his family? Yeah I'm sorry to say but you are probably a side piece and his family and friends know his actual partner and that's why he refuses to have you guys introduced. There is no other legit reason why somebody would not introduce you to friends or family this far into a relationship.

  13. Lmfao call the police you weirdo. Who comes to strangers on the internet to ask how to deal with a literal pedophile? Also ew you love this man who is again, a literal pedophile.

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