Orianabrooks online sex cams for YOU!



Date: October 24, 2022

9 thoughts on “Orianabrooks online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Your boyfriend obviously has some problems. Fighting someone over talking to you. It’s not going to get better

  2. So your parents are still obese but they’re the ones telling you how to eat and online a healthy lifestyle?

    Let me tell you how I know they’re doing a terrible job:

    1) you’re at such a low bodyfat level you’ve lost your period 2)you’re having bloat and digestive issues 3)they’ve given you such a complex about your weight you were diagnosed with a mental health issue.

    They are grossly inadequate when it comes to the knowledge of keeping a teenage child at a truly healthy weight.

    If anything you’re doing is interrupting your normal fertility cycle then it’s unhealthy. Period.

    You need to eat more. I’m not suggesting junk but you’re a teen so you can probably get away with eating a lot more junk than old man like me.

    You need to find an adult either at your school or a local guardian ad litum to help support you here because you’re parents do not know what they are doing.

    Once you gain more control of you own diet focus on nutrient dense foods like fatty meat, eggs, fruits and veggies (be careful with the veggies as too much of that is probably what’s causing the digestive and bloat issues). And feel free to junk out, miss ma’am! You’re young and can can get away with junk here and there as long as your also getting a good bit of nutrient dense foods.

    I also hate they they’ve turned you off of anything fitness related. I love working out because it lets me shape my body the way I want. I wish everyone saw it that way instead of looking at it like punishment or a chore.

    Hopefully, you can rediscover a healthy relationship with exercise and fitness.

  3. I'm so sorry, OP, the relationship is over. If you (God forbid) get married, it will only get worse.

    Yeah, he pretty much explained it all very clearly: women can be either pure, saint mothers, or wh*res. No in betweens, let alone both. End of story. Classic patriarchal/machista thinking. Check that classic scene from “Analyze me”:

    *(Robert De Niro as a mob boss Paul Vitti and Billy Crystal as a psychiatrist, Ben Sobel)

    Dr. Sobel: What happened with your wife last night?

    Paul Vitti: I wasn’t with my wife, I was with my girlfriend.

    Dr. Sobel: Are you having marriage problems?

    Paul Vitti: No.

    Dr. Sobel: Then why do you have a girlfriend?

    Paul Vitti: What, are you gonna start moralizing on me?

    Dr. Sobel: No, I’m not, I’m just trying to understand, why do you have a girlfriend?

    Paul Vitti: I do things with her I can’t do with my wife.

    Dr. Sobel: Why can’t you do them with your wife?

    Paul Vitti: Hey! That’s the mouth she kisses my kids goodnight with! What are you, crazy?*

    He seems to have that prejudice ingrained in his brain and he won't shake it off.

    It's a sad reality. Many men will fulfill their sexual fantasies, then despise the woman who fulfills them. I've heard it sadly far often. “If she did it with me, she'll do it with anyone, she's just a wh*re”.

  4. No man , How did u even think about that ? We just come from very different famiky cultures , my family never accepta her plus her family is so much wealthier than us so her family never accepts me …

  5. Ahh that makes sense/fits with the way he communicates. Hmm. Will bring it up on Monday regardless and say though I love his sense of humour, it made me uncomfortable.

  6. I appreciate your different point of view and I want to explore it more. Let's say that similar instances have also happened outside of video games, but never at me, more towards service industry workers for getting something wrong. Is your opinion still the same?

  7. How do I make it clear to him that I'm happy with this current arrangement that he sort of forced on me?

    You can only tell him the same way you have told us. He wanted this you were reluctant at first but you agreed because he asked for it. The consequences – whether intended or unintended – are not your problem and the problem that now exists, his jealousy – is all on him to deal with.

    So kindly explain to him that he has two choices – he accepts that this – you now have another partner who you are becoming very attached with – either continues and he learns to deal with his jealousy, or he files for divorce and you both go your separate ways.

    I have absolutely no sympathy for him and his situation. This is of his making and his alone. All along you have gone with what he wants and he has never once considered what you want.

    That ends and if it means the end of your marriage, then he will be the only one losing out.

    Your husband is for want of a better word – an idiot – and he should enjoy the consequences of his actions.

  8. Sweety I'm a woman . It's really not that hot. It's really all about saying no. You don't need to be a bitch about it . If this happend without her wanting it she didn't go dancing with him and she would slap him or be angry not kiss back. When you are into someone you don't pay attention to others. A man almost never tries to kiss without you giving some vibes which you don't give if you are not interested.c

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