Emily-whitee online webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 24, 2022

52 thoughts on “Emily-whitee online webcams for YOU!

  1. Because this isn't something that can be ignored. Op is valid in wanting encouragement and support in something with his health. As a partner she needs to work through her insecurities, and not just demand it never gets spoken about. Op has stated in other comments that he doesn't resent her but that build up could lead to resentment on both parties ends.

  2. I don’t know anymore. We tried counselling before we separated but she said she couldn’t pay attention longer than 20 minutes. We have a new counselor now. One session down and she was working during the session on her laptop (it was digital) but I am so tired of trying trying trying and she does it begrudgingly

  3. Okay thanks for the input, im just nervous is all. I love her and trust her- im just scared is all, i wanna think positive and power though. Glad u think its going to work, that’s reassuring to hear

  4. spare me within like what 10 hours of posting on Reddit that you want to cheat in one teary conversation you find out that your girl has been cheating on you for years so you can gym up and hit the lawyer? for your next fake post space them out at least a few days

  5. Hope you see this. Im I’m pretty much the EXACT same scenario. Except I decided on my own that it’s best if I sleep in the “guest room” so instead of the guest room I totally completely decked out my new room. Brand new bed, painted the walls, put my desk in here, 58” TV, shoe cases, posters, super nice sheets, mini fridge, shag rug, LED color changing lights.

    It’s awesome. It’s like my little man cave and the few hours I get where I’m just me. Not a father. Not a boss/employee. Just me. My space. I love it.

  6. Your answer is in your last statement. The other exes were kids (even the awful one.)

    Your current boyfriend is a man.

    As a father of daughters, he may also be creating distance because he doesn't think it will last. But men interact differently with other men versus boys.

  7. Hello /u/forget-me-not-37,

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  8. Omg there’s gotta be some major pros and cons to that ahha

    & as for right now he’s in school and doesn’t have a lot of free time and im out of school and have a lot of free time so I think when he’s done with school we could try but I want him to make friends while he’s still in college!

  9. Alcohol loosens the inhibitions so these are his feelings. He just has enough control to not say them to your face when he's sober. His statement “I need her here.” – why does he say that? Are you paying bills for him; covering for him when he's drunk and can't live up to his responsibilities? OP, you sound like a caring person; I'm 100% sure you can do better.

  10. Hello /u/everdaY_john,

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  11. Hello /u/ilovebagelslol,

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  12. We don’t own a home yet. We live in a HCOL area where the median home price is over $800k so that type of purchase would be quite a few years off anyway. I’m not sure having $5k more in her account is going to make a huge difference.

    I absolutely value that it means something to her to be part of this family tradition and I don’t want to take that away from her but I feel like it comes at the expense of expressing my own individuality. So it’s tough situation, but I do appreciate that there are ways to set the stone to be safe and less flashy.

  13. Good for you! You know your worth and you know you deserve better than his treatment. Best of luck finding a better partner for you, one who will encourage you to flourish and one with whom you feel yourself with.

  14. Hes planning to use you as the paycheck, breeder and make you destitute in the process. Do NOT marry this man. It's better to be alone than tie yourself to trash.

  15. Don't bother asking they why, this is a violation pure and simple. You need to a) break up with him and be firm on this, and b) report him to the authorities.

    He'll throw every excuse and apology in the book at you but he's already crossed a line that should never been crossed.

  16. Thank you. Exactly. To me at the time, it came off as weird with ill intentions. But I gaslit myself and said there's no way because she's my friend.

    I didn't defend myself because I had no idea what to say, honestly. I've never been put in such a weird position before, so I was not prepared. None of my other friends or family has ever pried into my life in this way.

    I too am very worried. I have actually already told the mental health services at uni about what happened, and they asked if I want to escalate it. But I said no because that would require them to intervene in person. I haven't told the psychology department though, I felt too bad to do that. Maybe I should?

  17. Did he have a crush on her before or after you started dating?

    Either way, telling him ASAP is the play. He may not handle it well, true, but the longer you wait the worse it could potentially be.

  18. If you aren't comfortable with dating a mother who has a child with another man, simply don't date her. She should have been upfront with you about the situation she has with her child's father. Now it's time for you to leave so that she and the father can raise their child how they see fit, and you can meet someone else.

  19. You may need to accept that he isn’t ready to talk about, but you’r still very much right to bring it up as a concern before moving in together, particularly as he is about to go into a very rigorous and stressful academic program. If he’s not willing to address this issue to your satisfaction, you would be wise to postpone living with him.

  20. As soon as someone demands that I “promise” to have sex with them, it’s the worst turnoff ever. 100% not having any sex now. Sheesh.

  21. Your justifying it because she’s your friend instead of cheating she should have divorced. I completely see your wife’s point. Cause it makes her think if you and your wife were in that same situation you would cheat. You are condoning cheating.

  22. So now we’re back to throwing around insults and bullying instead of having a civilized discussion. I’m almost certain you’re OP behind a alt account.

  23. Yes you are come the fuck on. Wasn't it enough that he put his own wants above your murdered mother's wishes and your future? Just get out of there because he will demand more and more and more until you are either molded to his every desire or you break. You must see that both of those results are bad?

  24. Regret is a universal life experience. It is a training mechanism. Anger is useless in this regard because it is being turned inward. You did the best you could while under his manipulative influence. Now it's time to give yourself credit for figuring it out and extricating yourself from a harmful situation. Keeping your mind occupied will help you to avoid regurgitating all of the unpleasantness. Do happy things. Best wishes.

  25. I can't believe your wife would go behind your back like that, streaming cameras in your own home! It's like she's been watching too many spy movies or something. I totally get how violated you must feel right now. I mean, you're the dad, you're supposed to be trusted with your own kid, right? You need to sit down and have a serious talk with her about why she felt the need to do this and how it's affecting your relationship.

  26. Don't listen to the 'alpha males'. Yes, they will have an easier time finding girls, but that is because they prey on the insecure ones. They will not end up with healthy and equal relationships. It's not their advise you want.

    You shouldn't have to hide yourself in a relationship, because for one; the truth will come out and second; if she loses interest because of something you love to do, she is not the one for you.

    If it helps; I was was quite the looker in my younger years and could've landed a 'masculine mysterious' guy with ease, but I choose my husband, who is I huge nerd, and after 15 years I still love him to pieces. Simple because he is the opposite of a tough guy. He is caring, loving, honest and funny. Those are the trades you want to be loved for, not your ability to lie and manipulate

  27. DuoLingo, Google Translate, and Google Pixel phones might help them get over most of the language barrier without having to rely so heavily on you. Just some ideas.

  28. The base truth in the world is that two random people who both want a marraige to work and have the ability to communicate and have relatively similar values/morals/goals can make it work. You can love someone with the greatest love that has ever graced earth and some basic shit will ruin it. Kids, financials, distance, morals, family and friends approval. Do you want kids? Does she want kids? Do you want to live where she is? Is leaving your family worth it? Will you resent her if you do end up together but she's still in a different place in life than you? What happens if financially you can't come to agreements on how to spend money/ what to spend it on. Being “soulmates” with someone is a heavy burden are you ready to take that on? Do you still need time to travel and be young? Are you emotionally mature? Do you know how to have conversations about problems instead of arguments?

  29. True! I know she mentioned she wasn't free until tomorrow night since she mentioned doing something tomorrow night after I asked her to go check said restaurant last Wednesday. Instead of me picking the day, she was the one to pick the day we met up. We agreed on Sunday due to mine and her availability and was okay with Sunday.

    I did send a how was your weekend text an hour ago and pending a response. I was asking this question because I would think you would take a few seconds to check messages and respond so you don't let the other person think you don't wanna message or anything anymore.

    Wouldn't you wanna be in contact with a match so you don't feel like you're being ghosted. She didn't say she wasn't busy to text but just said she wasn't free to do something until Tuesday night.

  30. wanting sex isn’t just a male thing. It’s a physiological and psychological need for healthy humans. I wouldn’t get into another relationship until you speak to a doctor because having a nonexistent sex drive at your age can point to a number of health conditions if you’re not Asexual.

  31. Since this, I’ve realized I no longer fit the diagnostic criteria for borderline personality disorder

    And what does your therapist say about this? BPD is a problem with emotional regulation. Clearly that relationship was emotionally trying, likely a constant source of anxiety exacerbated by the disorder, and with the relationship now over you've been able to stabilise. But you should still be pursuing healthy coping strategies and getting the feedback of professionals before you go assuming it is not a part of your life anymore, especially as it doesn't tend to work that way and worse it can come crashing back faster than you hope.

    Even if he reacts to all this positively I just don't see any real benefit to telling him outside spite or a sense of vindication. He can apologise but that won't change that what he did hurt. And worse, what if his response is to get upset or defensive, then this exercise would leave you feeling significantly worse.

  32. It looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA. Having it in the title as you've done with your submission will have no effect.

    Please create a new account that starts with ThrowRA in the username and try again.

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  33. Ummmmmm OP. She's grieving, but also not letting you break up with her on top of blaming you for the miscarriage is wildly not okay and terribly manipulative.

    “She kept saying “don't you trust me?” This is also a no no. Saying like that is wildly disgusting! Safe, sane, and consenual. You wanted condoms, she should respect that. But she didn't.

    You did the right thing to leave because you said it yourself that the relationship wasn't going to work.

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