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MissIvory95live sex stripping with hd cam


19 thoughts on “MissIvory95live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I think you should consider a trial separation. Let her know what you’re thinking and figure out what portion of the rent/mortgage you can/will cover while still being able to pay for a place yourself and give her the choice of staying in your place and paying for herself or being the one to move out. Like really plan this out and even build an initial time frame for yourself. I think you need to see how your happiness is impacted without her in your life. This is a bad relationship and you deserve better.

  2. Isolation, financial dependency and sleep deprivation are all classic hallmarks of abuse.

    Abusers wait until you are committed to show you their real selves. That might mean signing a lease, marriage of getting the victim pregnant. All things that make it harder and harder to leave.

  3. this is a really good point. i havent really looked at our messages in about a year. but i worry that in 5 or 10 years down the line ill be kicking myself for getting rid of evidence of those years in my life

  4. He is a tight on money at the moment and would be able to get his $100 back out of it. He was also a little mad the day that the machine incorrectly charged him, but other than that I’m not too concerned.

  5. Hey OP, this will probably get buried, but we’ll see!

    I’ve read both of your posts and the word that kept popping into my head was “maturity.” She was willing to throw away 7 years because of things people who’ve never met you told her. Their motive doesn’t matter – her reaction to it does. Whatever stories they’ve heard were told by her; either they’re twisting the stories back to her or she’s hearing them through another persons perspective and thinks “oh, you know, that wasn’t great.” Telling her to find someplace else to work also isn’t a mature response. Everywhere she goes there’s likely going to be someone who will nitpick. Is she supposed to just keep salon hopping?

    Maturity also applies to you in this case – you knew showing her the ring and everything was going to hurt her even more. And you chose to kick her while she was done, because you were hurt. You didn’t have to do that; you could’ve said you’d been making plans to propose and left it. You didn’t have to tell her at all. But that whole section was manipulative, IMO.

    Are you two in the same place in life? It sounds like she’s early in her career and you may be a little further along. Are your goals really aligned or is someone taking the lead and the other just following along because you’ve been together for 7 years?

    I think taking time apart is good for both of you. You’re already thinking about moving one month after the 3 months – this says to me you’re ready to move on OR you expect her to go along with you in a decision you already made, which forces her do going with you if she wants to stay together, even if she doesn’t want to move.

  6. It's not always clear cut, but often with income disparities the person making more money wants a lifestyle at their budget, forcing the person who makes less to spend beyond their means. If they don't end up married, the lower-income partner may feel the relationship damaged their finances. I personally make more than my partner (though not by as much as you do) and i pay proportionally a little more for living expenses, food, and entertainment, basically because I'm not willing to make cuts to my lifestyle in those areas. He probably couldn't/shouldn't spend as much of his money on those things as he would need to in order to meet my lifestyle standard and split the costs with me evenly. We're not married but we're committed to each other, i want him to do those things with me, so i am happy to spend more on them.

    If you're living consistently within her budget and don't feel committed as a partner yet, i think it's fine to go 50-50 but you should make it clear where you stand. Basically her portion of the rent still shouldn't exceed a third of her income per general financial advice, but she may also have financial goals you should take into account and truly respect (don't push her to move into an apartment she can't afford, or split trips with you that are outside her budget). My view is, if you want to share a life with her and go 50-50, that means you should live at her budget.

  7. It could be that he was just a bit overwhelmed with the whole experience. There is a lot to take in when it’s your first time, the taste, the scent, the feel, different textures. He may be joking as a way to try and make you relax about it or because he is a little embarrassed, tell him that this is not helping your confidence.

    If he wants to try again and you have had a smell yourself that you likely don’t have any issues but following up with a medical professional is never not a good idea.

  8. Why is he controlling you? You are allowing it.

    Just tell him you have a spa day planned with a friend and go. You don't need his permission. You are a grown ass woman. Don't ask him, tell him.

  9. Try couples counseling with a psychiatrist who can treat him and diagnose him. They are out there and it will help you and him if you do decide to divorce.

  10. used to be like you. I'm 32 now, in a happy stable relationship with a girl I share common interests with.

    The girl I had a crush on when I was 20 who I used to go to the club with and watch her leave with her abusive ex is now a single mother after having two kids with her drug dealer and marrying him.

    She really has matured so much and I'm happy for her… but some people need to go on a journey that you don't want to join them on.

  11. Here's a general guideline: If you're unable to properly articulate your thoughts in a way that doesn't sound shitty, chances are your thoughts are just straight up shitty.

  12. Sorry but if you're blocking your own bf from social media then your relationship already sucks.

    You both have a lot of growing up to do for people in their twenties.

  13. He’s so noble, he parks it on the street between houses so the kids think it belongs to the neighbor

  14. If she is sexting her ex that is clearly the relationship she wants

    You are just the doorman at this party , your shift is over it's time to leave

  15. 2 years – not long enough to be expecting a proposal.

    You have “psychiatric conditions” maybe he doesn’t want to get married until they are sorted or under control

    Are you still in university? Do you have a job? These are also things that he might be waiting for.

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