ArikaJoylive sex stripping with hd cam


11 thoughts on “ArikaJoylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Your therapist friend needs to have a long talk with your husband about boundaries in therapeutic relationships.

  2. No, not really because again.. I already knew and honestly distance anything was far from my mind. No, I lied I do care and it’s dumb. We talked for a couple months and then finally went out (IMO, the date was awkward because I didn’t talk much because he blinded me with his moving) so it’s dumb to like him etc..

    And I’m not in a relationship with him.

    Do I really come off with confidence tho? And, what would be seen as impressive to him? And yea, I just gave it a lot of thought and I realized I can’t do casual anymore. It’s just not what I need at the moment and I realized that I kind of like this guy. Change what?

  3. Yeah I definitely made changes after the scam and started watching less porn, praying more, listening to more leadership and marriage content. I help with a ton of chores already, spend time with the kids alone so she can have some her time, and we recently started date night once a week. Literally everything has been going great. I left my phone in the bedroom and was bathing the kids and I guess she went thru it and saw….I literally don’t know what behaviors I can possibly change at this point other than staying the course….the internet attention has not been a problem for me. I actually judge myself and am so ashamed but I think it was because I turned 30 and started feeling sorry for myself bc I was just in a mundane routine and we were having way less sex since she is pregnant and not feeling good….I just need to get over myself and realize that its a privilege to have a wife and kids and be a better man.

  4. Woah there, I think it makes much more sense that a conversation about someone’s supposed lapse in cognitive ability— because they’re letting their 10 year old son win at chess, and for literally no other reason— is a completely sincere sentiment born out of a place of genuine concern and fear for that person.

    I hate it here

  5. he has 0 risk, op is a moron. yo dog, give me 200,000$ I have a great system for winning the lottery. we buy all the numbers from 1-30 after all the numbers from 31-60 are hit. ill split the winnings with you 60/40 in your favor, its even better than ops deal

  6. What do I do?

    Grow a spine and leave him?

    Cmon being drunk is no excuse to download tinder. I am a guy in a relationship for 8 years and if i get drunk i text my girl that i love her, not downloading tinder. He is just a shitty person.

    Also texting exes and explicitly stating that they should meet up? You just accept he is cheating? Like can he make it more obvious that he is fucking around behind your back.

    gotten kind of dismissive “sorry won’t happen again” answers.

    You know why you get that answer all the time? Because it means nothing to him and you just accept it like a doormat and let him walk just right over you without any consequences.

    Threaten to leave?

    No threaten, this shit is done for. You already showed him that he can just disrespect you and you will take it, he doesnt take you serious anymore and most likely wont, even if you threaten him.

    Sry for the hot words.

  7. Your priorities are out of whack. Instead of wondering why this guy doesn't want to spend money on a wedding, you should be asking yourself why this guy wants to get married so quickly.

  8. You don’t even have the whole story first of all and if they’re still working together and see each other the affair continues. Did you tell the POS’ wife? You should provide all the proof you have.

  9. If you posted nudes would you want people to like them? Would you only want people who were single to like them or would you want anyone to be able to appreciate them?

  10. It's obvi not “cheating” in the truest sense of the word, but I've had exes send pics and messages behind my back like this and it was enough for me to leave. You can't trust them if they're doing shit like this. Also, him “having' to tell you that he's a changed person makes me think he was sending similar messages to others behind your back. If nothing else, remember this: if you truly, truly love someone, you wouldn't be tempted to do this. This guy ain't worth your self-respect, your self-worth, your integrity, or your happiness. It's hot and it hurts, but you're better off cutting your losses now and moving on.

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