Fu11ness live! sex cams for YOU!


I’m new, can you help me get a little more relaxed, will you take off my dress? [2200 tokens remaining]

Date: October 23, 2022

38 thoughts on “Fu11ness live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Sounds like you've both developed feelings. The way you both act and talk is like people in a relationship not a hookup.

  2. This seems like an honest miscommunication more than anything. I would imagine things like this are more common if one person in the relationship is autistic, and it seems like he’s overreacting a little, but that’s something you should be prepared for. Apologize, let him know you didn’t mean to hurt him at all and you just assumed he was most comfortable speaking in English. Ask him to communicate his needs more if he’s this upset about something in the future. I think that’s all you really can do. You’re not a mind reader.

  3. You are likely going to break up and make up again for another year or so. What you do now is irrelevant.

    It's pretty clear to us that he is not and will never be committed to this relationship in the way you need. It will take you sometime to see that too because you're 18 and still learning how to be loved.

    I'm sorry this relationship has sucked so much for you. You should start actively making plans to leave town and spend new years with people who actually love you from now on.

  4. Well, she’s a stay at home mom, not a maid. Her “job” is to take care of the children. Everything else is extra. Most couples with a SAHP have an agreement that most housework is done by the SAHP but did you two ever discuss this? Also, once you clock out, all housework and parenting duties need to be split 50/50.

  5. u/Effective-Finish-975, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. Presumption is the initial starting point in a legal argument. Meaning a husband would have to make a compelling case that he isn't the father as opposed to starting with no presumption of fact.

    The next stage is what the legal threshold would be for a judge to hear an argument about paternity and then order a paternity test. There are terms like “reasonable suspicion”, “preponderance of evidence”, etc. Once that threshold is met, the judge will order a paternity test. Given that he's entirely infertile and has been validated as such via medical doctors, this would certainly make cross any threshold and once the DNA test confirms he's not the father, the records will be amended.

    In reality though, paternity tests should just be mandatory before a father can be placed on a birth certificate. The average cost increase per birth would be less than 0.5% and no rational person without something to hide would object to this being a new standard.

  7. My ex gf is one of my best friends, and I actually stood in her wedding. If you're both past the romantic feelings and genuinely want friendship, it's absolutely possible.

  8. You’re 22…he’s 100% right to not be rushing into marriage. 2 years together at your age isn’t enough time.

  9. Hello /u/Throwaway263840,

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  10. Girl… have him buy you a new pair of boots and then put them on and tell him “these boots were made for walkin” and walk right out on him.

  11. All healing takes time and that applies to break-ups too. Give yourself a set period of time to really feel your grief – take a couple of days off work, buy some chocolate and wine, watch some trashy movies and cry your heart out. Feel it all, grieve your love, say goodbye.

    Then find something to occupy your hours so you're not sitting around by yourself wondering what he's doing. Go for walks and listen to podcasts, join a club, go to the movies. Anything for a change of scenery.

    Eventually the hurt will fade. It'll come back with force at some points, like if you hear he's dating someone or if you see him unexpectedly on the street. But hold your head high, don't ever let him see how affected you are, have a cry in private, then move on. Eventually it won't hurt as much. You'll slowly heal until one day you realise you don't miss him at all and you'll be able to remember both the good times and the bad times without rose-tinted glasses.

  12. Yeah no

    My ex nade me buy her a gun too, she started getting physical and waving it around.

    So Def don't but this rando a gun

  13. Work on yourself! Know who you are, know your self worth. What she said doesn't matter! She was probably only projecting, making herself feel good and it was never about you anyway.

    Vampires like her need to put others down in order to feel good about themselves. She's sick and was jealous of you for some reason. Forgive her, don't go down to her level because you are better than her and move on with your life. You should move on 10 years ago…

    Revenge will not do anything for you so why do it? You want to feel like a bully and for some reason it will make you feel good?

    Know who you are! Know your self worth! Focus on yourself and only you can validate who you are!

  14. Maybe its time for you to learn how to be happy on your own? Without a partner? Or maybe get a cat But you should probably continue treatment and just remind yourself that hanging on what could have been isnt going to get you anywhere or make things better. Besides that, maybe youre just poly

  15. If he won’t go to therapy and won’t work on it with you, then you only have two options: stay in the relationship and accept that it will always be like this or leave.

    But I wouldn’t stay with someone unwilling to work on an issue in the relationship.

  16. The thing is she doesn’t owe you a heads up, and the spontaneity might be something that’s good for her (I’m a spontaneous plans person my gf prefers solid plans so I’ll often end up doing random thing just because hey that’s what I decided to do) If you two are fighting she might have thought she doesn’t want another discussion or fight and you texting four times to ask if she’s all right is a bit much maybe she just needed a break and some downtime

  17. May be an unpopular opinion, but…

    The first time in your post where it's clear you have diverging goals is where you say 'MY goal of…' If this is not 'OUR goal of …', then there's more amiss in the relationship than her buying a car.

    As for the 'why should I pay?' part: if you benefit from the fact she has a car, that's why. If having a car means she can get a (better) job, or allows her to go grocery shopping at a better store, or simply gives her more freedom so you both have an improvement in your quality of life, that's why. I get the impression that your goal of being debt free has turned you into a spendthrift, where every penny has to be so justified to spend that it's exhausting your gf.

  18. Bro, you do realize you can just get a lap dance, and still go home and fuck your other half? I would never go without the blessing beforehand, but it's a Lapdance not banging a hooker in the back seat.

  19. Dependent on the situation, feel like this one was more brutal though so can understand the lack of coherency in the post

  20. Going to work is something everyone has to do to online. It’s not usually supposed to be enjoyable. Having sex is supposed to be fun, not something you should ever be forced to do. Especially if it’s causing anxiety.

  21. I did end up calling her and she said it has always been just friendly. That he has always been respectful of me and says he loves his life with me. But if you were to see the messages you’d def see there is flirting. She sends him photos of herself to fish for compliments and he gives them to her and tells her she is beautiful and needs no filter. So to me she’s just a damn liar like him.

  22. I was married to a partner like this.

    We are divorced now.

    I didn’t expect him to be at everything, but I did expect him to value what I considered important.

    He disagreed (despite me supporting him with pretty much anything he valued).

    So now we are divorced.

  23. So why are you with him? You are just a nice body to him. What if you get ill? I unfortunately has some illnesses and need to take several medications. One of them let me gain 15 fucking kilo in 7 months. And because i have Hashimoto, i even don't lose weight with just 1k calories daily. Sometimes you can't control what happens with your body. And a little bit more weight can still looks great. But he tells you that he wants a doll.

    and telling you multiple times, this is awful. I bet soon he will tell you that you need a surgery to look better. And tell you how great xx look. And if you ever get scars or your breast starts to hang, he will cheat on you and it is your fault rolleyes

    Would you ever treat your partner like this? Making demands about his body? So why do you accept this? You know it is wrong.

  24. thank you !!!! god OP’s camera idea is ridiculous but everyone jumping to believing Dan immediately is ignoring how little information he really has agh

  25. I'm LDR currently due to the military. I'm a smoker so my gf gave me a zippo with my daughter and her etched on it. I use it every day so it's nice to see them constantly on that picture.

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