Mooseknucklequeen live sex chats for YOU!


Let’s have some fun Papi, join me! [8808 tokens remaining]

Date: October 23, 2022

21 thoughts on “Mooseknucklequeen live sex chats for YOU!

  1. You SCOLDED him for going after preteens. Simply SCOLDED? Either this is fake or you're culpable as hell too. I can't believe you'd allow him around your child knowing he's a predator.

  2. It sounds like he needs to mark a clear boundary around game time and gf time. That way you're getting his full attention and his games/friends are getting his full attention.

    So in this instance, making a plan to watch a movie or chat with you from x o'clock til y o'clock, then game from z-whenever.

  3. Them is singular these days. Didn't you get the memo? If you don't accept those new pronoun rules you must D!E. That's what I heard.?

  4. I did this well before I had boyfriend's. My parents kept thinking I was out with friends when I showed them proof otherwise

  5. Sounds like she made the correct decision. It’s possible to still have a relationship after a move out. It sounds like you need to work some more on yourself to get you back to where you are happy and comfortable.

    Don’t beat yourself up about it, just do your best to make it work and if you feel like the relationship isn’t working for you in this capacity break up

  6. He’s your husband. What if you die while your children are young and their biological father is nowhere to be found, do you trust your husband with your kids? How will he raise them without telling his family? Why would you remain with a man who hides the biggest part of you?

    Make it make sense.

  7. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I work a full time job from home (35hrs/week condensed work week with most Fridays off) and my boyfriend works as an electrician (40hrs/week). We moved in a couple months ago and at the time he told me that he views food as an expression of love and that he would like me to make our dinners on the days that we’re working. As I work from home I am happy to do the majority of the cooking, but since he moved in I’ve been doing almost all of it. I can’t remember the last time he made us a meal since he moved in. I often prepare dinner or do other housework over lunch, and make dinner in the evenings. I feel like I don’t have time to unwind and get away from the house. Even if I decide to go to the gym, the expectation is that I have dinner ready, or that there’s leftovers from the dinner I made the night before. I have made bulk meals before, but he told me that he doesn't like leftovers more than two nights in a row.

    Last week was brutally cold outside and his job site was shut down, he didn’t make dinner then and he hasn’t cooked any meals on the weekends either.

    I finally had enough and decided to ask him to cook 1-3 meals a week, it instantly became an argument. He told me that he works long hours doing physical labour as an electrician and that he is in pain. It’s only fair that I make our dinners because I work from home, and that my work isn't as hot as his. Making dinner isn’t that hard any way, “it only takes 30 seconds to take chicken out of the freezer”. He mentioned that I had also stopped making his sandwiches for lunch (I was doing that for about a week before I realized that I was feeling sick of spending so much time in the kitchen) and that I can’t be relied on to get in the habit of making his sandwiches. He also reminded me that making dinner is how I can show him that I love him.

    I told him that I really need him to be my partner on this and that him making a few meals a week would be more fair. It’s true that I work from home and that I have much more ability to make dinner because of that, but it’s not my responsibility to make ALL of our dinners. He dismissed my concern and told me that he thought I was making a big deal about this. He didn’t understand why I was so upset. He said that how dinner is managed in our house now is very convenient.

    What I want is for him to be responsible for 1-3 meals per week, with at least one during the work week. I don’t care if he cooks them, orders in, or picks up something frozen/precooked from the grocery store. And whoever doesn’t make dinner should do the dishes. I want this work load to go from a 100/0 split to an 80/20.

    When I cook him dinner he sees it as an expression of love, but when I ask him to handle dinner he views it as a chore. He feels loved when I make him a meal, and I want to feel loved in that way too. I feel trapped in this house and that I don’t have a partner on this issue.

    What should I do?

  8. so your husband made you have an open relationship when you were clearly reluctant and knew 100% it was just to sleep with your “best friend” and you still want to be married to him, and i’m guessing still be friends with the “best friend”? do yourself a favor instead and divorce his ass, dump the friend and get some therapy

  9. I dont like causing arguments and thought it was a way for him to build trust up with me. I didnt know this was toxic.

  10. It's like saying “He wouldn't get along with women because he doesen't like constantly whining about things and cheating on men.”

    Very sly way of insinuating that men are, by and large, complete assholes.

  11. Can I just tell you, as a mother, my heart broke a little reading this. That was the clearest description of assault and rape I have read in a while. There is no quantifying or levels of assault. Relationships are about mutual trust and respect and whom you can build a future with. Look carefully at the future he just showed you. You are deserving of far more than that. Please seek the comfort of someone you trust and leave this abuser in your past.

  12. Sounds like he needs to work through some things in therapy if he's intentionally alienating his own partner. He's literally creating an island around him and your daughter and keeping you outside. It's like he's emotionally preparing himself and her for your departure same as how your daughter's bio mom left.

    I don't think he's “over” that trauma and may never be. But you can decide if that's something you have the capacity to work with.

  13. He may well know he did something wrong but he’s not ready to admit it, yet. He’d have to own up to it. He could have realized it the minute they called security. His laughing as he left was a lame attempt to lighten everyone up. Maybe.

  14. But you can’t force someone into be faithful. In reality I probably shouldn’t care regardless of if she was/wasn’t living with him. I feel like the fact I do is a massive problem.

  15. I think you need to try to get to a calmer headspace before you talk to him because you go a little back and forth- it’ll help him get a promotion/it won’t, historically he’s been empathetic about your medical concerns/what’s changed here?

    How long will he be away? 1-2 nights may not be worth the stress you’re feeling about him going.

    I think you’re at a point where you do have to take it down a few degrees with being angry so you can have a productive conversation. You can be frustrated, you don’t have to like what you hear- but plan to put your listening ears on and just ask questions. This is a person who has historically been very concerned about your well being, so why is this upcoming difficult time the exception to that otherwise good track record?

    If it’s something like he’s feeling overwhelmed, then you probably have something in common. If you could go on vacation yourself and escape your health/stress/commitments- that would be convenient and tempting for you too (but impossible at the time period in discussion), so you might find opportunity for your own accommodation for time away once you’re well enough.

    It’s not cool or acceptable he lied to you, I’d dig in on that- but lower the temperature. You and your husband are either a partnership/on the same team for most things it sounds. Find things you clearly agree on (I.e. trust is important to both of you, the health of your family is important to both, etc), and understand why you’re disconnected on this trip. But at the end of the day he’s clearly planning to go, and it doesn’t sound like you’d hand him divorce papers for going because you two mostly agree on your other life goals and priorities.

  16. If you think he is developing feelings and you can't see yourself developing feelings for him you should probably do nothing to encourage him. Which sleeping with him would definitely do.

  17. Mexican in the US. I had a coworker that came over to my office to tell me how excited he was to go to “my country” to help the “poor people” of “woachaca” (closest he came to saying Oaxaca) with his bible mission.

    I got so angry but could not say anything without being rude enough to get fired. He was taking his right-wing christianity to an ancient culture, dividing families amongst religious lines, increasing homophobia in a culture that for the longest time has accepted a third gender. All to continue to feel holier-than-thou as the white savior.

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