I can definitely understand that. Maybe both? I had high expectation based on what he presented me with, but what you see before living together is always a little skewed. Then again I knew of some of the problems before hand and I figured with the right tools it wasn’t hot to teach? The inability to communicate was a bit of a blind side though, but that could also be a product of the environment kind of thing.
That’s just sad! Sounds like you’re not a very dedicated father. I believe in loving my child unconditionally. This doesn’t mean I don’t get mad or make rules but he KNOWS no matter what I will always love him. Your son is at that tough stage right now, to be expected to have an attitude as he figures himself out growing into a man. If you dump him now you are setting the absolute WORST example of being responsible. In a way you abandoned him once and you’re considering it again. I wish your son had a good father that actually loves him. BTW: Love is not buying him things. It’s being there for the good and bad. Sounds like he’s testing you and it sounds like your answer is going to show him you don’t really care for him, much less love.
This is definitely not the first date =(. We have been dating since November.
I can definitely understand that. Maybe both? I had high expectation based on what he presented me with, but what you see before living together is always a little skewed. Then again I knew of some of the problems before hand and I figured with the right tools it wasn’t hot to teach? The inability to communicate was a bit of a blind side though, but that could also be a product of the environment kind of thing.
That’s just sad! Sounds like you’re not a very dedicated father. I believe in loving my child unconditionally. This doesn’t mean I don’t get mad or make rules but he KNOWS no matter what I will always love him. Your son is at that tough stage right now, to be expected to have an attitude as he figures himself out growing into a man. If you dump him now you are setting the absolute WORST example of being responsible. In a way you abandoned him once and you’re considering it again. I wish your son had a good father that actually loves him. BTW: Love is not buying him things. It’s being there for the good and bad. Sounds like he’s testing you and it sounds like your answer is going to show him you don’t really care for him, much less love.
Also causes penile cancer, throat cancer, head and neck cancer. Everyone should be vaccinated against it