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10 thoughts on “pinkloulive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Hello /u/helppls901. We do not allow submissions that involve minors. Should you have any questions, or if you feel this was in error please contact our mod team.

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  2. If this sort of behavior is enough to rock your world, you really should

    NOT be drinking ….and maybe not even be socializing. I wish I had a buck for

    every tipsy member of the group I helped to the powder room and then

    helped back to their seat and kept a steadying arm in place to keep

    them from failing out of the chair.

    Give your angst some time off, will ya?

  3. I agree. If the wife has to consult you about every little thing, there would be a lot of discussions. Plus, it’s not as if your wife let some distant uncle give the girls a shower. It’s their grandma. Chill out.

  4. Rape isn’t about maturity or age. Just because you’re 18 years old doesn’t mean that it’s more acceptable or understandable to rape someone because you’re immature and young. Anyone who rapes will do so no matter their age or the age of their partner/victim. Just because he’s older than her doesn’t mean she should have “seen it coming”. He’s going to rape whether he’s with someone his own age or not.

  5. No. I would never be pressured into that. And he would never do that; he's been too well-trained.

    And there's nothing funny about it.

  6. Have you ever heard about paragraphs? Jesus, I got tired reading this.

    Anyway, she was invited by extension, as in his co-worker invited him and was cordial and invited his wife. As soon as they separated then the invitation no longer applies to her and he has every right to go alone.

    I think people are missing the fact that they were separated. Living together, sure, which is strange, but still they were separated. That means each one will live their life without having to include the other, period.

  7. Well she's told you what her priorities are when it comes to friends. Now it's your turn to decide what your priorities are.

    She's 'managing' you by telling that you'll be front and centre. I certainly wouldn't be making a single effort or spending a single penny on attending her very important wedding.

    This is a friendship that was predominantly a childhood to teenage friendship. You're both adults now, and things change, as you've just discovered.

    Personally, I'd let that friendship quietly slip into the past, go out and find the friends you'll share your adult life with.

  8. Don’t say anything to him. Get your life in order and then just tell him your down. You don’t have to explain shit to him.

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