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12 thoughts on “sahorix1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I think you handled this and are continuing to handle this very well. Especially because he THREW something. As someone who has come from an angry and sometimes aggressive household that would put me into fight or flight and really freak me out. I understand he’s hurting and you handled it very well.

    I definitely recommend telling him acts of aggression such as throwing things or punching stuff (for ex.) have to be off the table as these are common triggers for someone with a violent past.

    Therapy needs to be a topic that is discussed. Acts of aggression are NEVER and I mean NEVER okay. Especially displayed in-front of children. He needs to go to therapy to learn how to properly manage those really nude emotions. Screaming, crying and destroying things to get emotions out are okay if done in a healthier way and someone does infect do more than just those acts. I smashed a pumpkin with a hammer once. It was a good way to release some frustration. But throwing things and yelling at your wife infront of kids is very scary. Therapy. Please!

  2. Would you watch them while they were shitting and showering or would you go in after to check? Sounds like he was watching her?

  3. I meant by killing myself, like overcoming the challenges of long distance relationship and willing to sacrifice some stuff in my life in order to be with someone I love

    And I don't see that as a weakness, it's just a feature that I can like/dislike in a person

    And yea I would stay from live dating for a while

  4. She's a new mom, she's insecure and believes no one can take care of the baby better than her. and I'm sure she doesn't want to be away from the baby, it's going to hurt her to go back to work (if she loves the baby at all).

    so she will have to come to terms with it. I would think about getting a legal custody document set up though. this might end up being a fight down the road.

    You 2 could go and become roommates, separate bedrooms and one for the baby would be ideal.

  5. Her past is not reassuring. That said, it doesn’t determine her future. Does she show any signs of cheating? Does she hide things? Does she talk openly about her other friendships and relationships? Does she spend surprising overnights in other places? What do others in your lives think, friends or family- do they consider you overly jealous? Have you been overly jealous in previous relationships?

  6. I think you both were not really good for each other. Her due to her conspiracy theories but you for your saviour complex.

  7. Send him a message “I know what you did bitch” and never respond to anything that comes back. Instant classic!

  8. Tell him to stop gripping his dick so hot when masturbating. That is his problem, not your 'tightness'.

  9. Have her call CPS and tell them an ex is threatening to call them on her. She can ask them to make a visit to prove things are OK and if they can make a note on her file that someone is trying to weaponize CPS on her

  10. Go ahead and explain how it's not relevant. It absolutely is when his relationship is on the line due to someone taking advantage of him.

  11. The trash has taken itself out of the wedding guest list… what do you want to do? Do you want to step down? The trash has quit the wedding party…so I'd just go to the wedding as planned. Don't contact Bob anymore. You've done enough and I think your letter was not rude at all knowing how Bob was going after your ex, etc.

    Why is it rude to request someone for some decorum in the way they behave? I'm surprised Alice would be friends with Bob when he kept demeaning you in front of mutual friends…

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