CALDA-AKIRAlive sex stripping with hd cam


17 thoughts on “CALDA-AKIRAlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. The use of secrecy and ritual and pledges of sacrificing your life in Freemasonry is a system designed to create an air of importance and power to members and induce either awe or anxiety in outsiders. It does not have the same strength as it did before their secrets could be leaked online. But it's a frat. It's the Elks Lodge but with increased mysticism and a hint of illuminati authority that is, for better or worse, marketing.

    It sounds like it's causing you anxiety, but maybe not entirely in the way the organization would intend. At this point in history, we have a better understanding of risk around the trappings of cults, and these fraternal orders are set up to really easily allow for branches to become cult-y if you have a moderately charismatic and power-hungry guy join.

    You're allowed to have a problem with it. The obvious bigger problem here is that your boyfriend is okay with repeatedly lying to you. He could have just told you it was important and he wasn't quitting and let you make up your own mind about how to accept or not accept that. Instead he lied, tricking you into continuing your relationship under false pretenses. And it sounds like he's maybe done that twice?

    It's clear that regardless of what he tells you, he values his membership in this group more than his relationship with you. He's willing to keep secrets for them, he's unwilling to even be honest with you.

  2. OP the fact you think he is a good father is part of the grooming process. They do things to their victims to make them confused – and deliberately paint a light and dark side – so their victims never tell.

  3. Hello /u/BunchoRigmarole,

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  4. well, honestly i’m been feeling horrible about myself also starving myself in a way like i’ll stop myself from eating and even drinking water. i always feel like i’m no good for anyone so that hasn’t changed i just don’t know what to do or how to talk with a guy because i feel like alot of them just want sex. i’m still a virgin and he hasn’t said anything about that yet

  5. Because we don’t reform or do anything of the sort in prison to break the cycle hence why so many end up back there for one reason or another.

    Depending on what landed OPs dad in prison, I’d be wary too.

  6. Thank you for the response. I think it's pretty unlikely and if so she would not tell me, because she knows that would be the end. But if she really did not, how would you react?

  7. I never understand why people download porn when there are so many sites that are free on the internet.

    Why take the risk of downloading something that could be illegal, when sites like Pornhub, etc. must ensure that these women are of legal age.

    What your boyfriend did was wrong and needs help.

  8. Also one where one partner started hiding large amounts of canned beans in the forest behind the house and refused to disclose their location because their safety would be compromised

  9. Poor dude might have issues or was sick. Def doesn’t sound malicious and is probably horribly embarrassing. Just ask if he’s ok if you want to see him again, because he may not reach out because he’s horrified. Def not as bad as the other post of the dude shitting in the sink and scooping poop out of his butt.

  10. ?”I'd die for you” that's easy to say We have a list of people that we would take A bullet for them, a bullet for you A bullet for everybody in this room But I don't seem to see many bullets coming through See many bullets coming through Metaphorically, I'm the man But literally, I don't know what I'd do?

  11. It’s not always safe for a woman to say no. There may very well be times in her future where she gives a man her number so she can safely get away from him. And she told you right away, so clearly she wasn’t looking to cheat. This wasn’t a betrayal, and making her change her number was an unnecessary overreaction.

    Plus she’s only 20, so she may not have much of a backbone yet when it comes to her friends pressuring her to give in. By 25 she may be able to tell them where to shove it.

  12. I'm also thinking that if he had a chance he definetly would cheat… Any new workplace have the potencial to someone who is open for it and that was the Best option without any specific education… He is out of the house, we came back, the children missed their own spaces

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