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rsvg69live sex stripping with hd cam


23 thoughts on “rsvg69live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Neither. The road rage is ehhh one of those cons. No. 1 just sounds trouble, stay away from that one. You could tell no. 2 to ease up on the talking. I'm super bad about talking all the time, its not something I notice cause I start off with one topic then there are several other topics that are related so then I have to talk about them. I also am pretty detailed with ever conversation.

  2. Yes it sucks. But you still have love for her. So treat her as kindly as you can and respect her boundaries. Even if the kindest thing you can do for her right now is letting her go.

    Cherish the good times you did have and be happy that you had her in your life. Then focus on building a version of yourself that can have successful relationships in the future.

  3. None of us are going to know if he cheated mate, sometimes you put the razzle dazzle on at the beginning of the relationship and it tapers off, sometimes you put on weight etc.

    Defo been in a position where couldn't perform like I had initially but a LOT of fucked up stuff happened, it wouldn't be a suprise to you if that makes sense.

    Try not to over think it and have a good time.

  4. Honestly he sounds incredibly immature and he’s acting like an asshole. He seems to be put off by the fact you are on your period probably because he is ignorant about female anatomy and maybe he hasn’t grown up around women that are open about that kind of thing. At the end of the day he needs to understand that this is something you will go through every month for the majority of your life so you could try having a conversation with him to educate him about periods and also tell him how he made you feel. Hopefully then he might be a little more understanding, however if it were me I know that would be a bit of a dealbreaker for me, I wouldn’t want someone that makes me feel shit about myself when I’m feeling my worst every month.

  5. You're coming across as kind of needy. Impossible to know if your demands and expectations are extreme or not.

    You need other social outlets.

  6. There's no normal relationships. What everyone else does has nothing to do with what is best for you…and for him.

  7. I mean, even if you take him at his word, there's just no reason for a lot of this. There's no reason for them to be sharing a suite, doing romantic activities, or for a bisd to pay for her employee to take an expensive trip with her on her dime. There's also zero reason for him not to tell you until the end of the trip. Everyone else already told you to break it off. I'll go one step further- contact the business he works for and let them know his boss thinks it's appropriate to take employees on all expenses paid vacation where they share a suite. With it being a family business There's not as much of a guarantee ther will be repercussions for her, but I have to imagine this is still something everyone else in the business would like to know.

  8. Is this the same man that made you to pick your own consequences for when you mess up? Like you’re a child that has to be disciplined? Please tell me this isn’t the same man…please tell me you didn’t marry that man?

    What exactly are you looking for here? The courage to stand up for yourself? Is this account just for you to vent, because I can totally understand that. Or is this a cry for help because you’re in an abusive relationship, which will only get worse as time goes on. The problem I have is that until you are willing to make changes, no one can help you.

    What do you want in this moment, right here?

  9. Where does it say he’s going to strip clubs? Why can’t she go to a casino? If she wants to be able to drink then she can wait until after giving birth.

  10. After reflecting on it he definitely didn’t, and I feel really bad about ruining our night together. I have this (most likely irrational) fear that he’s going to break up with me because of this fight or that we won’t be able to get through it. I’m being respectful of his space and hopefully I’ll see him this week, but do you have any tips for how to navigate this anxiety while we’re working through it?

  11. You showed her how you feel about her when she isn't doing what you want her to do or thinking what you want her to think. You don't think much of her at all. She won't be able to talk to you about life decisions going forward because you aren't trustworthy or safe to talk to. Trust is earned in drops and lost in buckets, and you kicked the bucket over last night. Your relationship may also have kicked the bucket as well.

    That said, you want kids and she doesn't, so you may not be continuing forward anyway.

  12. You should've spaced out the events in this story more the kiss, the call from his mum and the text from the coach all in one day? A little silly if I'm being honest.

    Next time have the main character come to slower realisation with the red flags appearing over a longer period of time it will keep the reader engaged.

  13. Absolutely! And I’m sorry you went through experiences that aren’t the best to look back on. It’s amazing how mature we all feel in our teenage years and early 20’s. Looking back on that time is almost laughable now. I was such an idiot.

    Now, I have an extreme amount anxiety relating to having daughters, especially after reading posts like this. Even if I raise a mature, level headed young woman, there’s always the possibility of some predator derailing her life. I hope that my girls are willing to listen and consider what I have to say when they are older. God knows I barely listened to my own mother….

  14. If he wanted to, he would.

    Meaning if he wanted to make it special for you, he would have. He clearly doesn’t want to. You need to think about that.

  15. I would feel like he was testing me to see how much he could get. I sense more tests coming soon if you do stay lol

  16. Trying to do exactly this.. go out and meet new people but 8 years is a long time and it keeps coming back to me in the nights and my thoughts get clouded and i keep looking for answers.

  17. Sorry I’d be kind of annoyed too…it sounds like she’s taking care of you instead of the other way around and women like to be taken care of a little bit. She seems like a person with initiative which seems like something you lack

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