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Koko_chanel1live sex stripping with hd cam


20 thoughts on “Koko_chanel1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You need to ask yourself it's a serious deal breaker. Because right now it's either you accept the piercings to keep the girl or leave the girl for the piercings.

  2. bruh …. believe me … all girls (and boys too)are like that …. be a girls is in relationship with u …. but when she sees a very hot guy , she would definitely want to kiss him or think that “he is so hot” ….. it's normal …. if she is not cheating on u ….. everything is fine 🙂

  3. I forgot to mention in the post that we also have a trip coming up which is non refundable and I don’t know how I’ll spend a whole weekend with him feeling like this.

  4. I appreciate your different point of view and I want to explore it more. Let's say that similar instances have also happened outside of video games, but never at me, more towards service industry workers for getting something wrong. Is your opinion still the same?

  5. Thank you for your kind words, I was leaning towards having him go alone so he could completely focus on grandma, but felt guilty of not joining. Your comment helps in my decision.

  6. Like clock work no empathy. This is a situation the wife put them in for her job opportunity, it is because of the way she looks people do this and when OP brings it up for seven months the wife has been telling him to suck it ul and get over it.

    Dude agreed to move. Yes she convinced him, but he made that choice. Getting upset and holding it against her is childish. And are you blaming her for how she looks? How is that a point?

    It makes perfect sense to resent the wife even if she can't help the way she looks because she isn't really providing any path forward for him when he is receiving the brunt of the consequences for this move.

    You think it's rational for OP to resent his wife for not providing a path forward? Specifically what path forward, because that sounds codependent as fuck to me. What can she say that OP can't? I interpret this situation as her having to mother him.

    Your inane bs suggestion of “just confront them bro. Heh when they call you a pedophile just be petty back and call them rude that will stoo them” when he has for months shown proof of his wife's age and they bave reached the point where he is being harassed by police is pathetically stupid considering the energy you're coming to OP with.

    How do you let someone say that shit and not point out how stupid they are?

  7. Okay, I'll do but how to manage myself because of these thghhts of staying away from her is leaving me baffled and depressed, nd i also can't let her wait for me at this cost, that someday I'll eventually like her.

  8. I don’t think it’s ever right for someone to call you that name. With that being said we are only hearing one side of the story. First you had no right to ask him to remove pictures that are a part of his history. Second none of us know how annoying you have been in asking him to remove them. It is possible he snapped because you just won’t drop it already. Not saying its right but if you annoy me enough I might say something I didn’t mean to. Just some food for thought

  9. I unfortunately don’t go to work or school right now ? i was thinking that also, but it’s so hot for me to make friends right now

  10. I think she’s saying, “under aged” without wanting to say “under aged.” Her concern isn’t that he is looking at a particular type of porn; she even says it’s natural for most guys to look at teen porn at the end of her post. Her concern is that she has teenage daughters to protect. That’s a reasonable concern.

  11. Just have an adult discussion with her and let her know you recognise what you did and relay your feelings. Gotta mend it mate.

  12. that is so difficult to do – but the more you practice and act out these skills, the easier they will be to employ in the future, and the less anxiety you will feel. congratulations and i hope this makes you at ease in the future when sticking up for yourself with a boundary pusher.

  13. I've definitely read a lot of the horror stories, yeah. I want to avoid that at all costs. I want to make sure everyone involved has a good time.

  14. My mother used to do this to my partner. I told him to ignore her messages, and told her to back off. I had to tell her several times, and it took us both blocking her for a month after one time, for her to finally get it, and stop.

    This is something your boyfriend needs to handle, and you need to stop messaging her or acknowledging her when she reaches out with this.

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