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82 thoughts on “jordannabananaalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It is time to act. Right now. Get your son and go. Get him into therapy immediately. He needs early intervention and therapies for his ASD. I am terrified at the behavior your wife and her mother impose upon him when you are not there. Get a lawyer. Now. Today. Protect your child. Your wife is abusive and controlling.

  2. Two of my sister's have done this. I'm not entirely sure on why but I know that one of them was having an issue with fertility. Some women may do it for money from the government as well (I know one of the two got money from the government to help with taking care of her baby).

  3. Infidelity is something that exists even in the most loyal man. What separates a good partner from a bad one is their willingness to suppress their desire to cheat. Trust me if a guy really loves you, he’ll never ever cheat on you. He’ll make all the efforts in the world just to make you happy.

  4. Wow … dude .. ok yeah , I am a woman, and I just read all of the post and I have to say…I think you lead her on. You pushed her into a relationship that she didn’t want..she thought was not appropriate, and then told her you cared about her…loved her and then…let her fall in love with you …knowing she was and still didn’t shut it down , you pretended like you loved her back , talking about having kids and marriage…and then she wants a commitment and you shut her down.. Wow man That’s not ok She will never trust another man ever You were her best friend and we trust our best friends to shoot us straight ..not lie to us…then you were her lover too…and you tricked her ..her ability to trust a man with her heart is shattered…. I would be so devastated and heartbroken Best thing you can do is say you’re sorry and leave her alone The more you involve yourself in her life , the more you will hurt her. Walk away and let her heal Not cool man I hope you made the right choice Cause I bet she is a great woman I’m sorry you don’t see that you were wrong ..cause that part would suck the most for me… Good luck in love. I hope she finds peace and you find what you are looking for in someone else

  5. Best of luck OP. I know it’s hard. The fact that you’re worried about doing what’s right shows you’re a great mom. ?

  6. I’m actually a woman ? but I was a strange child. Mom was an artist and we lived mostly with her. We were also very poor so creativity was the only thing I really had and she let us go wild with her art supplies. She was also bipolar, so my understanding of people, the way they react, and the way they behave was kinda screwed up – I had no social understanding basically. I made myself this sparkly cape for Halloween one year and I just really loved it. Because I had absolutely no idea what was socially acceptable, I wore that shit almost everyday until like 10th grade of highschool. Eventually, my peers ate me alive for it and I stopped.

    After a few more absolutely brutal social situations, a couple years in therapy, and several years living on my own, I’m happy to say that I now understand and feel more confident about much more of life, and would happily wear a cape if I so pleased because fuck what other people think. But I don’t wear a cape because I don’t identify with it

  7. Putting laxatives in food is considered felony food tampering people have been charged with it for doing something similar see toothpaste Oreos given to homeless people that got the creators in jail as an example. This isn't a prank as they're meant to be funny to both parties this is him admitting he considered drugging your food with something that could send you to the hospital for a plethora of reasons

  8. Thats very enlightening. Thanks. And ties perfectly into creating the win/win theory. She has no understanding on negotiation. Either she gets bulldozed, or is the bulldozer.

  9. The question is not whether or not he could change, but whether or not you could ever gain back the trust that was shattered.

    You’re only 3 days in- I’m sorry to tell you, but you cannot.

    You could stay together but you will lose yourself in a mess of insecurity and jealousy.

  10. as a 21 year old female, get something that speaks from her experience/hobbies/interests! I would rather get like some art supplies and lovely card than a $250 bracelet! You’re dad is old school which is neat but some girls enough movies, shows, music, games, and other interest! I hope that helps!

  11. There’s literally zero logical negotiation with this and I’m confused on why you’re feeling guilty about having hard boundaries with this.

    Drunk driving is illegal and if that doesn’t matter it’s extremely dangerous to himself and everyone else on the road. He is quite literally risking his and everyone else’s life when he does this.

    Whether he “lets you know” he’s drunk driving or not, it doesn’t change anything or save anyone from his recklessness. It’s not controlling to not condone reckless behaviors.

  12. If you and your sister are close then talk to your sister first.

    If you are not close shoot your shot and leave her alone if she shoots you down. Don't be creepy.

  13. Maybe his ego would be soothed if you said or included on the card something about him helping you find a present they would appreciate or enjoy, etc. So he feels his thoughts were included.

    Just brainstorming ideas.

  14. Yes leave him. So you can miss him and regret your decision in the next 2 months or so and then end up with an absolute douchebag instead.

  15. Your best bet is to find her a way home (her bio dad’s house), snowstorm or not. The longer you wait to show your husband you understand him and are on his side the harder it becomes to reconcile

  16. She wants to feel small < that’s that important data point.

    Telling her the following: “I’m not calling you fat ! Don’t you see ? I’m just saying you are not small genetically. So I had to hit the gym to lift your giant ass frame, my love”

    That would be 100%

    “you ain’t wrong Walter … you’re Just an asshole” move for someone that wants to feel small.

    He did the work. Now he can give her dream of feeling small. And she will love it. Telling her it requieres protein shakes and hours at the gym would only tarnish that dream.

  17. Hello /u/haikuzuna,

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  18. Not necessarily. These are identical ages to myself and my husband when we first started dating. We've now been together over 20yrs, without any such nonsense.

  19. WHAT???

    I think you need to do some research together with your husband about what’s considered best practices in therapeutic relationships. And then you guys need to talk this through and make a decision.

    It’s impossible that he’s getting fair and objective care from her. Absolutely impossible.

  20. If you divorce she can’t just leave the state with the kids, you have to go to court for custody. Talk to a lawyer, you do not have to stay married to a cheater just to see your kids, you do have rights and life will go on. You deserve to be happy

  21. Hello /u/Ok_Shock_9761,

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  22. I seriously don’t know what the fuck to do because I love him so much

    I think this relationship is done. Even if you were willing to work on this relationship, it’s clear that you feel betrayed by both him and the ex-wife. Both being fake and lying to your face. The problem is, the ex-wife will remain in his life forever because of the daughter. I just don’t see any way forward with the three of you which doesn’t end with you drawing the short end of the stick. It’s just a very unhealthy dynamic for you to be in and I’m not sure it will get back to a comfortable situation for you ever.

  23. Why would it ruin your friendship? Why would you be ostracized? Don't over think this. See girl, like girl, ask girl.

  24. Hello /u/Impressive_Bee2285,

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  25. First question- how often do these things happen?

    Second- does she see her drinking as a problem?

    Third- if she doesn’t see her drinking as a problem what would you do?

  26. You're both right? Let's look at it this way:

    Your wife absolutely DOES want kids, she knows this but she doesn't know if you want kids. All she knows is that you haven't brought up having kids and you haven't done anything to indicate whether or not you're thinking about them.

    You, on the other hand, either don't want kids or are on the fence about – meaning you're not totally against the idea of having kids, but you don't have an active desire to start trying for a baby immediately. Because of this, it's not something you've thought to bring up to your wife to talk about either because you don't know if you want kids or because you figure that since she hasn't also brought up the idea of kids, it must mean she doesn't want them.

    In this scenario, direct communication would absolutely be best because this is a lifelong decision that needs to be made. Once you have a kid, you can't go back to not having a kid. You both would need to figure out if having kids is in your future, do you actually want them or not? If you don't, then is the relationship going to continue and will she be happy giving up on having kids, or is her desire to have kids and your desire to not have them taking you to the end of the line for the relationship? If you do want kids, then you both need to figure out if you want them now or in a couple years?

    In this scenario, she 100% should come up to you and just say “Hey, we've never talked about kids and I realize I don't know whether or not you want them; do you?” and then go from there to talk about it if's and when's.

    On the other hand, in your scenario, dinner is a decision that can be changed. Having chicken once doesn't mean that is the ONLY thing you can ever eat for dinner for the rest of your life. You can be prepping to make chicken and you really want chicken, but your wife is craving steak but it's not something she's dead set on and she'd be fine with having chicken if it's really what you want.

    “Probing” you, in this scenario is fine because…well, if you want chicken more than your wife wants steak, that doesn't mean she can never have steak? Being direct about it makes it seem more like this is something your wife absolutely does want and that she will be unhappy if you deny the request, when the reality is that she doesn't care either way, and she is asking you about your process and figuring out where you stand on the matter so that she can decide whether or not to ask you because she wants to take how you feel into consideration before asking something that could make you feel pressured into changing your course of action just for her.

    Also, sometimes it's nice to just talk to your partner about what they're doing. I know I like to watch people cook, not because I'm supervising them or waiting for anything, I just like watching people cook.

  27. Well that's fine then. Original post gave wrong impression then. If things are otheriwise goign well I would get over this incident.

    Although I don't think both of them (gf and her cousin) can stay under the same roof much longer. For now what is importnat is that your gf does not accumulate anger in herself. The issue is to get rid of it she needs to be listened to by someone. I imagine her parent's are an option. If they cared about her they would see how much harmful their current situation is and made sure they don't on-line together. Ergo I don't think they care. If you think they do suggest your gf to press them to either help her (financially) live! seperately or kick her cousin out.

    She can't really vent to you, if she tries to make you her therapist your relationship is pretty much dead. Even if she gets therapist this probably won't be enough. She really needs to online seperately from her cousin or she might become properly toxic person.

  28. Super disrespectful to you and your relationship. Her talking like this once likely means they have talked about similar before. The friend also doesn’t respect your relationship and your girlfriend allows that.

    I would address this directly with her, she may just dismiss your feelings and say she is joking but that’s just another red flag you shouldn’t ignore.

    What did your girlfriend do at the time, she obviously knows you saw?

  29. Yeah the barge right in thing makes no sense. It would still be a surprise if they knocked and all but one person hid. Jump out and yell surprise when they open up.

  30. Imo if ultimately what you want is for everyone to have the same last name then just take his. Honestly you're gonna continue to make this ant hill a mountain if you don't give in or try to meet more in the middle.

  31. I want to understand why she was willing throw a good relationship away. I also want to understand if my suspicions of her cheating on me because she cheated with me are valid.

  32. Also I just realized that I mixed that up. Their kid is 1 year, they’ve been together for 4. I’ll change that now.

  33. Contributions to a house are about more than money. If you being in her life allows her to succeed then you are doing something of value. And im sure if the roles were reversed you would say the same.

    Gender rolls can be a bitch but the most manly thing in the world you can do is get over it. If you were earning more you wouldn't consider it manly to compare earnings, so why are you doing it now?

  34. To be clear, she specifically asked me to get the cake and she said she didn’t want a late night as she has to drive somewhere today. Now I have to change my plans to drive her there as she has to be at this engagement as she is definitely still over the legal limit

  35. If you are not comfortable with the age gap then dont continue with the relationship.

    If you do, then your feelings will take over and everything will be fine and dandy to you and nothing anyone says or whatever red flags he may show will.not matter to you.

  36. Had every intention of destroying your relationship, just because she backed out last second doesn’t change her intentions or motives

  37. Then she weaponized the kink AT him when he wouldn’t respond to her.

    I feel like that’s grounds to be pretty cynical

  38. it’s not just about age, that was one of the red flags, if you read my other comment you’d see why I’m concerned

  39. I have had a few people messaging directly and together with the advice here I'm going to on-line alone for a while.

    Advice is still very welkom because I don't want to give up so easily

  40. Group of 10 men don’t just stand in the woods… it’s sex, drugs, or both. Or might be dooms day prepping or starting a cult but you didn’t see anything that points to that .

  41. Look, that comment is unacceptable, whether you love him or not. Being the support for someone with mental health issues is hard, but you don’t get to do that. He can take space, he can count to 10, he can sigh dramatically, he can go work out- he can find another coping mechanism, like therapy perhaps, for when he is taxed. What he doesn’t get to do is tell a depressed person with diagnosed PTSD TO KYS bc his feelings were hurt. That’s why people are telling you to leave, bc one day you may feel low and take his advice and there’s no coming back from that. Yes, it’s a big deal. He knows you, he knows your history and he not only thought that, but he said it out loud, and then didn’t immediately reassure you, but instead had to think about why you were upset. For real. That’s not ok. That’s no ok with a stable person, and it’s certainly not ok here. You need to bring it up with your therapist, and maybe he needs one. You also need to think about why those thoughts were even in his vocabulary, bc there ain’t no way I or anyone I love would let those things slip even in the most heated of arguments, bc it’s not normal, accepted, or kind. That’s the issue. It’s toxic. Even in a joking relationship.

  42. As a 36 year old woman….

    How the fuck can she remember her dreams enough to be mad and fight about them? Tf?

  43. No. I would bet a lot of this was infatuation and a lot of chemistry. It’s a powerful thing. It gets better.

  44. It sounds like a pretty even exchange to me, and like you said, you don’t send her the bill for the monthly service for the PS5. If she can’t afford the phone bill, she can sell the phone, same for you if you can’t afford the game bill. Don’t feel bad, she’s just stringing you along with these texts.

  45. I’m going to a theme park tomorrow but I feel like I already got off a roller coaster just reading your post history.

    Please. The stuff you are sharing about your wife sounds very very terrifying. She is making death threats, and that is ? not okay. Is there anyone you can talk to??

  46. I’m in a happy long term relationship with a man who would never put his hands on me in anger. Women like men who treat them like autonomous people, for future reference.

  47. Well firstly why are you going after a teenager weird ass, second she fucked up and there's no excuse for that bur you referring to her as a toy is such a childish mindset

  48. Honestly, it really depends on what you said and what the result was. Some things can't be forgiven and you should respect that. A few months sober may not be enough time for your family to want to speak to you and if you were that bad, they might be having a better life without you in it. All you can do right now is to work on yourself and see if your family will forgive you later.

  49. My bf farts a lot, but he has IBS. Some things he eat has a harder time digest then others. But the smell shouldnt be this horrible. Sure farts tend to smell, but it has to have with what we eat. Raw onions is good for the immune system but not everyone can digest them at the pace it should.

    OP, your bf should see a doctor and make sure he doesn't have serious issues in there.

    Oh and he should back off a little. If you don't want to have sex because of his smells, he shouldn't force you. Ask him to brush his teeth because the stench of raw onion is so not sexy??

  50. This is going to be the most popular “opinion”, so keep that in mind:

    He is gross and needs to continue seeing people his age and not literal teenagers. If he has no trouble finding people his age to hang around and sleep with, he shouldn’t be sleeping with you. This is gross and in most states against the law (should be all states). Don’t sleep with him again, don’t pursue a relationship, don’t stay friends. Just leave his grown ass self alone and he needs to leave you alone.

  51. My mom cheated on my dad with her personal trainer when I was a kid.

    Quite frankly if my fiancé ever wants a personal trainer it has to be woman and its non negotiable

    To be fair, would you be comfortable with your BF having a hard super in shape female personal trainer? Probably not

  52. You're just bf/gf. Often abusers stay nice enough until some major milestone like moving in, getting engaged/married or havign a kid. Because at that point they have you locked in and it will be harder to leave. If he truly has changed then he should own his past. But like other s say, at life comes with dark periods for everyone at some point. What happens when that happens to him? If he did some serious therapy for a prolonged period of time I could maybe believe he has changed becaue supposedly he will have learned healthy coping skills. But even then….if he has enver had any serious therapy I'd be out of there because he more than likely hasn't changed

  53. you only feel good when your boyfriend talks down on other people? that's messed up. this amount of jealousy is not normal. and you've only been together for 2 months? why are you complaining that your boyfriend doesn't get angry with you if you say or do something you think will make it jealous? why do so many girls think possessiveness is a sign of love?

    you need a therapist. get to the root of why your insecurities are so bad, work on those, and then think about being in a relationship. learn thought patterns and emotional regulation skills because you're not emotionally mature enough for a commited relationship. but if you break up with him just to date someone who acts like you're the queen of the universe and gets mad at you for talking to other men, you're not fixing the problem.

  54. She could be lactose intolerant or something.

    Maybe she doesn’t know she farts like that; I would gently ask if she knows; and if she has any digestive problems; and that you would really urge her to seek help because it’s quite bad.

  55. She’s playing games with you, and that’s incredibly immature. Nobody has time for that kind of manipulation.

  56. The gender of the photographer shouldn't matter. Ideally this entire photoshoot would be undertaken in an atmosphere of professionalism and confidentiality.

    You shouldn't have to be a woman to be considered a trustworthy professional to other women.

    The real issue here is either OP being unreasonably jealous or OP's wife being suspiciously engaging with a friend unknown to OP. She is old enough to know better.

  57. I've been with my fiancé for over three years now. Our daughter will be 2 next month. This past weekend we were in bed and he was obviously horny but our daughter was in bed watching her show on her tablet next to us. He was rubbing up against my leg and grabbing my boob and I had to tell him no a few times and I felt bad because I wouldn't have had a problem having sex if our kid wasn't right there. I could tell he was frustrated and he got up and got a drink and chilled out for a minute. Then he came back to bed and apologized. That's the only time I've ever had to tell him no more than once but he didn't try getting me hard or putting his unclothed erection on me either. Our sex life has been difficult since having a child, but your partner has no excuse. Maybe he has a higher libido than you or he's in the mood when you're exhausted, there's nothing stopping him from not continuing to massage you if it would further the mood for him after you said no. My interaction with my man was maybe a minute or two long if that. Any other time I say I'm not in the mood he says okay. I gave him a pass because it had been a while and we ended up having sex later that day while the baby slept in our room and we went to the living room.

  58. Go to your graduation, you've worked too hot to miss it, and attend the evening bit of his wedding. You wouldn't even have to change (obviously remove the cap and gown).

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