Megan_suicidegirllive sex stripping with hd cam


13 thoughts on “Megan_suicidegirllive sex stripping with hd cam


    I’ve been pregnant myself so I KNOW the changes I went through lol.

    I also had to get healthier after my pregnancy and lost the weight.

    These people in these comments acting like pregnancy is a free pass to being overweight forever ?

  2. She's cosplaying a victim. What do you suppose will happen when this level isn't enough for her?

    Run fast and far.

  3. Keep in mind in the original post there is no mention of the husband accusing her of doing anything sexual with her brother. I'd imagine she would absolutely have written that if it was the case.

  4. No, you don’t deserve that much. She doesn’t want to talk to you in person because you are clearly obsessed and stalking her. Leave this woman alone, and don’t ever contact her again. You guys broke up for the last time in August, and she got a new boyfriend in December—she did not do anything wrong. If I were her, I’d be getting a restraining order against you.

  5. You should have just gone and told her that it doesn't matter and she could have cleaned herself up but no that's too much she has to stop you from going

  6. Well, she probably was struggling with PPD and just coping with it in an incredibly unhealthy way — that's how most people with substance use disorder get started with their addiction (unless their doctor overprescribes opiates, of course).

    Getting a new job and cutting contact with the coke friends is definitely the right call, but your girlfriend also needs professional help, because substance use disorder is no joke. If she was able to find $300 a week for coke, then there's enough $$ in the budget for her to go to weekly or biweekly therapy sessions. She also needs to go to her primary care physician, explain what's going on, get screened for PPD, and get an antidepressant if that's what the doctor recommends. Having you accompany her to this appointment would probably go a long way toward rebuilding trust.

    Good luck to you all.

  7. Hey I went through something similar. 8 year relationship from 19-27.

    I wish I had told myself to feel all the emotions, feel all that pain no matter how unbearable it was. Take days off from work to be sad. If you try to stifle it, it will come back and it only prolongs the process. I was so scared to feel those feelings.

    Listen to break up podcasts like “date yourself instead,” that one is great.

    Order some self help books on break ups.

    Practice meditating. Focus on only your breath. Feel your emotions without any thought out to them.

    I know how rough it is. Hang in there. The breakup community in tiktok is fantastic support.

  8. What do you mean what do you do? He fucked up, lied about it, and instead of owning up to it and working to earn your trust back, he disappeared.

    What you do is end this relationship.

  9. Your sister is horrible, your parents are horrible. I bet if you were the one who did what your sister did to you years ago, your parents would've disowned you. Your parents and your sister are the kind of people who would stay quiet about abuse if they were at your place just to get revenge, they're also the kind of people who would feel they're better than others if they were the ones who didn't get abused by someone who abused those others. They're projecting on you their own mindset. What you experiencing is utter betrayal by multiple people who are/were close to you. The ones who should've loved you and protected you betrayed you in a very painful and drastic way. I'd say ditch them all, but I know it isn't easy to do even though one might rationally know it's the best thing to do. You have to deal with this horrible situation on your own and it's going to last forever if no one is on your side. Seek therapy. A good therapist can help you a great deal. It sure did help me dealing with my toxic parents. As my therapist told me: one can find “substitute parents”. Not literally, but other relationships can help you heal and get what you should've been given by your family. Close friends, other mother/father figures in your life…if you don't already have people like that, you can still meet them and they would help you heal too. I have people around me who are more family to me than my biological family ever was. It is possible to get on top pf what you're dealing with right now. But you need to deal with the emotional impact and if you're doing it without help, you risk to just repress those feelings and never truly heal. Good luck.

  10. You can just say, ” My past is in the past, I don't want to talk about it, I want to have new experiences with you. ” That way you you don't need to lie about things, but you also keep some mystery and privacy.

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