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Room for online video chats Oriane_Jackson

Oriane_Jacksonlive sex stripping with hd cam


24 thoughts on “Oriane_Jacksonlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Childcare can be provided for free because her parents are willing to do it. Unless they’re the kind of rural nutters who drive around on ATV’s with babies on their laps and unsecured guns around the house, the baby will get more attention being 1 to 1 (or 2 to 1 if both grandparents are involved) than at MIL’s daycare. It’s a vastly superior option to daycare.

  2. You should leave her. She does not treat you as equals. She has disrespected you like you were a doormat and now pretends not to understand.

    If you want closure you can first tell her why you want to leave her. Confront her about double standards and when she starts to gaslight ypu call her out on that. She knew you were uncomfortable, but simply didn't care that is the reality and you should tell you know it

    In case she tries to negotiations. Unless she admits to her wrongdoings do not negotiate with her, she still disrespects you at this point. If she does admit to it to it… I would still leave her, cause words alone aren”t worth shit. Apology is meaningless. If she wants to make up she should “do” sth instead.

    Namely leave her job. It's a fitting atonement as she has disrespected you with her boss. If she agrees to quit her job asap (not some time in the future)it is the only instance I would consider giving her a chance not complete stupidity.

  3. Is is beyond fucking disgusting. Where do I get myself an intelligent wife who would put up with any frankly unreasonable demand I make for 20 years? Your husband is an animal.

  4. I agree. Once I’ve cut ties with her and got her stuff safely out of my condo that’s my next move. I don’t care what she thinks I’m doing it because I know I need to, she can retaliate but she’s wrong

  5. Does she message him alot during off-work hours? Or message in general a lot, but cut it short/guard her screen when you come in the room/have her phone locked down like it has nuclear secrets on it?

    Does she seem to be working longer hours and/or go to take a shower as soon as she gets home? Or suddenly have a lot more excuses for going out on errands?

  6. homey you aint making good money but are happy. so thats you. 99% of women are going ot want a family and a house. find a part time job that makes more, work full time, or divorce. you choose.

  7. Right?! Maybe she can get a job and make some money? Why is it okay for her husband to work insane hours and have no relationship with his kid…

  8. Just as you point out, you can either go along with the flow, or you can say no. The first time she chose to go along with the flow, but this time she's saying no. Perfectly reasonable decisions on her part

  9. “The fact that you can't take 2 months off one activity to save our marriage makes me think all of this is a waste of time and money. I am literally begging you as your wife for your full attention for a short span of time.”

    If he gets mad honestly bounce.

  10. We wasn’t boyfriend and girlfriend but we had a connection that at that point you shouldn’t be showing any interest in anyone else.

    we were together but not “exclusively dating” becuase that term is just something that lets people get away with doing scandalous things. She ended up getting pregnant by her ex and aborting the baby.

    i had sex with a girl and she told me cut all ties because she felt I was catching feelings for her

    ive caught her talking to her ex on multiple occasions and she knew how it made me feel.

    while she went to work i went through her journal and thats how i found out about the abortion.

    Out of anger i did throw things from her journal in her face

    All of this is wrong. Neither of you can have your cake and eat it too. You can't have the benefits of a monogamous relationship without sacrificing casual sex with strangers. Especially without a conversation. All of these boundaries that you laid out to each other feels like they were all in your heads, and just got mad at each other when your uncommunicated boundaries were violated. Both of you are toxic and need a lot of growing up. Both of you are lying, cheating, narcisistic, abusive people that should not be dating anyone until you get your shit together.

  11. I've never been one for ultimatums but if there was ever a good reaon this would be it. I'd sit him down and ask him if his addiction is worth losing you. Then tell him it's either in patient rehab or divorce.

  12. This is sounding more and more incompatible by the min. Lets average this out, and just say 45 min. So OP wants to have sex several times a day, each time 45min. While she is more comfortable with 1 time per week, at ( i'm guessing) -30 min per time.

    Any mathematicians in the house to work out the inequality in this equation??

  13. Certainly I’ll add more detail.

    I have known her and the friend group for a little over a year. She is very vocal and will have open discussions without a filter with a large portion of our friend group. She has been shy and more filtered with her language from the moment we met. I assumed for the longest time that she was not very interested in me, and was being politically correct.

    I’m having trouble deciphering whether her shyness is due to some level of interest or if she is just trying to be polite with me. It’s very odd to me, because she’s very unfiltered and straight forward when it comes to expressing actions or thoughts around others, but with me there’s little playful banter. The discussion is very formal, and intellectual.

  14. After only six months, you wouldn’t be getting on my insurance and you asking for it would set off all alarms in my head.

    Yes, please end it. Your decade younger stbx is much more together than you are.

  15. Leave.

    Her inability to function as a normal person is not your problem.

    Tell her that she needs professional help. Tell her that her actions are abusive and not healthy for her or a relationship. Tell her that you hope she finds someone else after she has gotten help, but that you are not going to be there for her.

  16. Why is it not 99.9 when used perfectly? Like obviously other risks like stis but pregnancy wise isn’t it quite normal to rely on the pill?

  17. Yes, most definitely. It’s been an issue that we’ve tried to work through for the course of it.

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