Jamtreat TV online sex chats for YOU!


12 thoughts on “Jamtreat TV online sex chats for YOU!

  1. This is just a turn-of-phrase that's used in a different community than your usual group.

    'Dealing with' means dating.

  2. It is about physical safety.

    Nowhere have I stated anything about cheating or hookups, but I do know nature of women that they like the attention, ego boost and compliments of good looking guys, even when they are married/in a relationship.

    And some guys in committed relationships like to get that as well. That is equally wrong.

  3. Ugh. No. Dump him. He doesn't respect your completely reasonable boundary and is trying to blame you for his own sexual failures.

  4. I commend you. I think you handled this very well. I’m conflicted about the ring, but I also understand your point of view with it. And frankly, why would YOU want that reminder anyways.

    If it works, it works. But under no circumstances would I take her back if she hasn’t left that shop yet. You are absolutely correct in thinking it may happen again. That should have been the first thing she did after they brought that mess up the 2nd time.

    Good luck to you

  5. That’s certainly important context, but to me, that’s just an additional issue where he lied to you. That’s absolutely a big deal, but I want to make sure you’re framing that argument like that; it’s not that there were girls there (although it certainly becomes more questionable given that he lied); it’s that he said there wouldn’t be. That’s a real issue and you should be upset about it.

    But again, I’m still struggling to understand why his father insulted you to begin with (has this happened before?), but more importantly that your boyfriend just let it happen and left. That’s simply not ok.

    You’re not exaggerating and the timeline means nothing. Even if he were gone for a month, he let his father insult you, told you it’s whatever, and lied to you. Why would him coming back in a few days make all of that ok?

  6. You did not overreact. That is somebody who doesn't have basic communication skills, and doesn't respect autonomy. That is not a partner that you want.

  7. It's a huge accomplishment anywhere. Medical school is one of the hardest types of schools to go through. 8 (Sometimes 8+) years of dedication and hot work with sometimes not a second to breath. But I can imagine how incredible it is to get through all the hell that is medical school, and then only for your family to not show up. In MY opinion, it's much more of an accomplishment than planning a wedding. OP should definitely NOT miss her graduation she fucking earned that shit.

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