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Gabriela_jaklive sex stripping with hd cam


17 thoughts on “Gabriela_jaklive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. The only reason you need to have to wait to break up is wanting to leave. You don't need to have a “good reason” for it.

    If you're unhappy and nothing has changed, of course you can leave.

  2. I can’t believe the ages here.

    At 28 & 33 years old, games should NOT have this effect on you or you lives!

    This is insane.

    She’s breaking tvs? That is more than “anger issues…”

  3. I get her point. I get your point. At the end of the day she should want you to be happy, and if just looking at a picture causes her immense trauma then she needs to go to therapy and work through that. Maybe you can ask her if you can go through her profile and delete them?

    It’s easy for somebody to just point fingers and say that you’re insecure, but I’m not sure that I’d feel any differently from you.

  4. INFO: Do you know the dosage in those hot candies? How many mgs of thc did you consume?

    Advice – communicate openly and honestly with him. Express how it makes you feel when he does xyz. If he cannot accept that than you have a tougher conversation.

  5. I'm not sure if you mean she's trying to ghost me permanently but I really don't think she'll do that. I just feel like I'm becoming a burden on her and I don't like annoying someone with my needs again and again either. I just feel pretty stuck now and don't know what to do.

  6. Yep I’m going to go full Reddit here and jump on the DO NOT MARRY bandwagon. Your Spidy Sense aren’t just tingling, they are about to erupt in Shingles all over your skin.

  7. What kind of person puts dirty clothes in their wardrobe?!

    My husband doesn't lay out his clothes the night before because he has a normal brain in that respect and doesn't need to. Obviously if he had a neurological quirk that required that then that would be fine, we'd buy him a clothes horse and get on with our lives. Even my six year old can dress himself without doing this, it's absolutely not necessary or helpful because it just creates an extra task to your day without any benefits.

    Meal prepping on the other hand does help because it reduces a task that could take hours into just minutes, or even into seconds if the food doesn't require heating. I don't do it myself because I like fresh food but the benefits are pretty obvious. I don't know why you've brought it up.

  8. Trust your gut. If something feels off, something is probably off. It is possible he found the accounts through random searches. It's also possible he found them elsewhere and then added them on TT. It's very possible he's messaging with these accounts as you have to be mutuals on TT to message back forth.

    Either way, you get to decide what you're comfortable with in a relationship, but that might mean not being with this person. You need to talk to him and tell him you find what he's doing inappropriate and are afraid he's cheating. Do not let him gaslight you! But you two need to figure out what you both find acceptable in a partner. I would also be upset if I found what you did. In the end, you kind of need to confront him and get this figured out.

  9. No this isn’t cheating. You need to deal with why you’re so incredibly immature. This isn’t on her at all.

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