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alexiajames99live sex stripping with hd cam


27 thoughts on “alexiajames99live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I would end it and if she asks, tell her she crossed a line. Find a FWB that respects your wishes. She's 33, she should know better.

  2. It’s gonna be easier to change your own reaction, rather than try to change his actions. He’s explained that he’s bad at texting, that it doesn’t reflect how he cares about you. Now it’s your turn to work on changing your own anxious habits. Have you tried spending less time on your phone, or checking it less frequently? You should work on finding a way to self soothe when he doesn’t respond, rather than expect him to change immediately

  3. Do whats better for you man, if you think you'll fell better if you have your disclosure and tell her all the bad things she made you went through, then text her back and tell everything to her, you dont even need to wait her to answear it, if you think this will wake up bad fellings inside you and its better for your mental if you just ignore, then ignore it and block her, do what you think its better for you.

  4. Sometimes people change, so do the dynamics of a relationships. Goals, life events, health issues, etc can affect how you view your relationship compared to 5 years ago.

    Might be a good time to reassess the currwnt status of your relationship and if it's healthier to fight on or move on.

  5. That was my thought exactly. I feel so bad. As I am also in said bracket I refuse to get into a relationship for this very reason. The way I define love, I couldn't handle not being 100% for my partner and also feeling inadequate as well.

    Op's stance and I fear his GF'd subsequent acquiescence breaks my heart and is way too close to home.

    Maybe she is truly ok with it and if she is, she's stronger and much more open than I am but something tells me, she's disassociates on this topic and things will shift and eventually end the relationship

    To answer your question though: Always wear protection and get frequent STD testing done. Don't add to her issues by infecting her.

  6. Yeah anytime I ride a mower around for a while my iPhone credits me with a few thousand extra steps (guessing due the vibration). It’s a helpful tool in general but I’m sticking to good ol long/lat when I need actual coordinates

  7. You’re right. Aside from people just being transphobic, the community is chasing away true allies by trying to force things that aren’t true. For example, calling breastfeeding women chest feeders or saying that trans women get periods the same as biological women. If we could accept our differences and understand that being different doesn’t mean you aren’t valid, I think the world can get along so much better.

  8. Pretty unfortunate that women can choose to abort the baby if the father wants it. Can you imagine his feelings if the roles were reversed?

  9. Late is forgoing the next obligations.

    “It is a big deal because being late means you are ignoring the things that come after your tennis and saying they are unimportant.

    Would he tell his job that he’s late all the time. Would his boss accept it?

    Being late is a broken promise.”

    You can lecture him a little and see if he realizes if. But lecturing him about respect is pointless if he doesn’t respect you.

    There comes a time when you have to respect yourself enough to choose someone that respects you.

  10. to benefit all of them

    First, fuck assuming she's poor just because she's a single mom. That's messed up. Second, I do not see how his job benefits her in any way. He doesn't even want to move in together.

  11. Yeah you're either lying about your age, or you're emotionally immature and selfish you can't comprehend the writing on the wall. The man hugged you because he cares for you and wants you to be your best in life. That doesn't mean it's enough to stay together. You need to be single. Focus on you. Go to therapy. Mature somewhat. Realize that any relationship – friendship, family, romantic – is going to require investment and prioritizing of time with that person or you will have this cycle repeat. Everybody is allowed to be selfish in life when they want to be. You just don't get to drag someone else along and expect them to be happy when ignored. You're incompatible. He's moving on. You should do so too.

  12. It’s not unreasonable for him to want to be with someone who matches his sex drive. Sexual incompatibility is a huge reason for many of the posts in this sub.

    He did the right thing by not pressuring you to have sex and instead ending the relationship where he was not going to get what he needed

  13. I think that's the start of the conversation. They need to discuss, because “I'm not sure that I want kids” is not the end of the conversation.

    The why is as important as the statement to start the conversation, because some things that can make people hesitant about having children can be changed and some things can't.

  14. That's official statistics. And he just wants someone without any teeth to have a better blow job, so if you are so sure of your thesis, find him an attractive woman without teeth.

  15. “the phone works both ways”


    It's 2023. Expecting one or the other to do 100% of the heavy-lifting died out in the 90s.

    If you're truly interested, it'll show in actions, not high-school level games, hints, and drama.

    Had one do something similar via eHarmony. Had a great, three-hour conversation on the road, talked a bit after I got back home from my trip, then I went radio silent due to work and stuff for about 5 days and she did pretty much the same thing. Zero calls, texts, emails, etc. from her end.

    No time for that in my life. Too much going on, too focused on goals, two degrees, work, etc.

    Luckily, found an amazing woman shortly after and we're on the same page w/ a LOT of stuff, including what I started this comment with.

    Best of luck to you.

  16. You're asking a bunch of teenagers and single people for advice. Get a fucking lawyer and a plan.

  17. There’s no way that was a Clorox wipe. You would have been in significant pain if she rubbed that on you. It’s most likely that it was a feminine hygiene wipe. However, I still think that’s her problem and not yours if she’s carrying those around to dates.

  18. I’m not, and I’m on birth control at the moment(he doesn’t know). I know I wrote that we have a normal sex life? Actually when I think about it, we don’t, it’s been well over a year since it was “normal”. We don’t even share bed anymore, I always sneak myself into the other bedroom at night

  19. The lack of enthusiasm you're displaying speaks for itself. Don't commit yourself to something serious if you're not seriously committed. It would be a waste of your time and, more importantly, her time.

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