30 M Dumped by 35 F over Salary and Lifestyle Differences


I (30M) was broken up with by my (35F) now ex-gf over our salary/life differences.

My ex and I met and instantly had a great connection. We have several common interests and grew a love for each other very quickly. We bonded over past relationships and how they weren't great for either of us and how comfortable we felt with each other. She is a successful real estate agent in a busy north east city. I am a Special Education Coordinator in the same city.

We dated for 4 months without a single hiccup in our relationship until I was told that the school I am working at will be closing at the end of the year. I have decided to take this unique opportunity to spin it into a positive and go back to school and get a second masters in social work to transition my career to mental health counseling and hopefully a private practice. This was something we both discussed and talked about at great lengths together. It wasn't until this did she start to hint at the differences of our salaries being a concern of hers. I should note that other aspects of our futures we shared similar views on such as marriage and kids and living together.

When we broke up, she said that she didn't think she could look past her needing to be the main earner in a relationship or someone that could share in the lifestyle she has created for herself (ie taking trips on a whim, & overall not worrying about expenses).

This is still fresh for me and just looking for honest and unfiltered thoughts to help me process and move on.

EDITS: Didn't think this would get as much traction as it did, but want to answer some things that have come up and hopefully add some clarity to some of the incorrect assumptions/statements made.

  1. There was never a time where she would have been financially helping me with the degree nor would I be going into significant debt to do so. We have separate living arraignments and I already have set up part-time work that would be done in-conjunction with the program to continue supporting myself through this process.
  2. The degree would only take 16 months to complete with then clinical hours to follow. It also is something that I will not be paying for. I have received funding and tuition assistance, so I am not accruing any debt.
  3. I am using the degree to go into a career as a school counselor and ultimately private practice young adult therapist for struggling students.

submitted by /u/TrainerQuirky
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Date: May 2, 2023

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