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13 thoughts on “1Lustfully_yourslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. So he doesn't trust you and you don't trust him… Honestly there is no future in this relationship. Or at the very least no healthy future. These aren't requested either of you should be making.

  2. I'm sorry! Can you see other comments on this post? I received notifications of 6 comments total but I can only see 2 here. I can only read a few words of the other comments in the notification that popped up. Not sure what's wrong with reddit today

  3. Yep, he majorly sucks – almost certainly irrecoverably so – and who the hell would want him after what he's done anyway. So …

    Lawyer up, keep your head high – it's he who royally and intentionally screwed things up, majorly lied about it, and tried to put the blame on you.

    And well save all relevant evidence … may or may not make all that much difference – depends most notably on jurisdiction – check with your lawyer – but generally can't hurt to have well collected such evidence … at least to the extent one legally can. And yeah, don't bring another kid into this – certainly with you on that.

    And, well, better you found out sooner, rather than later. That way you can get out of and clear of the mess that is him that much sooner. Good luck! Sure, will take a while … but he'll be more and more out of your life – and already well started on that. Waste no more of your time/life on him than necessary.

  4. If you have children in the future and she gets annoyed at them what is she going to do? Lock them in a room so she doesn't have to face them?

  5. Why are there so many of these posts with young women complaining about an issue and they skim over the fact that they got with an adult when they were children? Is there some kind of concerted effort of trying to bait out pedos who white knight these people???

    Jesus fucking christ. I hope all these are fake. They are just so lacking in self awareness if they are real. Idk if I should have pity or be angry.

  6. Ok, I get it. You were hoping for more than friends and she went with someone else, feelings got hurt. But my, oh my, wtf was this:

    I was still angry and gave her the option to message me if she wanted to continue being friends, with the knowledge that I won’t be able to trust anything she says again.

    So what’s the point?! You feel betrayed, righteously or not, and yet you continue to engage in this drama, causing more of it. Airing the dirty laundry on Facebook, the back and forth… my God, are you sure you guys aren’t teens?

    To sum up, yes, you were the bad guy for throwing a fit worthy of a partner when you are merely a friend. You could have removed yourself from the situation at any moment. Instead you continued to escalate.

  7. “especially because she's a single mom and he doesn't want to deal with her baggage”. I'm sorry, but he just told you that this is the only reason why he isn't with her. He doesn't want to be with you, you deserve love and freedom. Please, be done with him.

  8. You’re 100% wrong. He was raised with her and she’s his sister. Blood or not, they were raised as siblings and view each other as such. That you would be ok with half sister but not stepsister is, quite frankly, absolute bullshit. They all grew up under the same roof and are siblings. Your logic is deeply flawed, and not only should you let this go, you need to apologize for being way the f#%k out of line. Honestly, if you push this with him much further I could see him ending the whole relationship with you. Why don’t you trust her but you trust half sister? It makes no sense.

  9. This sounds like gaslighting and toxicity to me. I know you care about him but it doesn’t sound he cares about you. And you deserve someone who does

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