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1jewellive sex stripping with hd cam


40 thoughts on “1jewellive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I fully support the theory that self-pleasure is healthy for your well-being. Both myself and my partner engage in solo release sessions at our own discretion in addition to our completely healthy sex life together.

    Celebrities? Swimsuit/Lingerie Models? Overly Endowed Anime Characters? Adult Film Stars? Those Instagram chicks who only post provocative photos, but call themselves influencers/models?… As long as you're not going down too dark a road with your erotic material; go for it babe! Just please clean up afterwards, but not down the drain in the downstairs shower bc it'll cause a clog when your goop clumps up in the hair trap…

    But women he knows personally?

    Women he socializes with??

    Female friends he's possibly has crushed on/been crushed on by?? (crushes are incredibly common in male/female friendships; sometimes leading to something, sometimes unrequited…but still)

    Women he's slept with??

    Women he used to be in relationships with??

    Absolutely the hell not for so many reasons beyond the obvious betrayal to you. He's actually betraying every single one of these women whom he allegedly respects and cares about by objectifying them.

    His former partners (sex & romantic) surely didn't agree to continue to be a source of sexual pleasure for him after breaking up. I would be furious and humiliated to learn that an ex of mine had photos of me saved to still use for masturbating.

    His female friends, particularly those who have never been interested in him in any way other than platonically, are being used for sexual satisfaction without their consent by a man they thought they could trust to be a good guy.

    He's using these women to have an orgasm and then seeing them, spending time with them in his every day life… There's no way he's not seeing them in a sexual way while they're hanging out, his brain is going to make that association.

    This has got to stop for your sake and for the dignity of these women around him that he's secretly using. Make sure to keep yourself focused on who's actually in the wrong here and don't misdirect your hurt or anger towards the women who are unknowingly victims of his unacceptable, just like you are. If things go south and the relationship ends over him continuing this behavior, I suggest you consider telling these women who think he's a good friend about his use of them. I understand not going to that if you're going to be with him and around them, and if he stops… But if he refuses to quit and you leave this unhealthy situation, maybe they deserve to know what their best buddy is up to behind their backs.

  2. It's their decision to do with themselves as they like. Doesn't matter if I'm okay with it or not. I'm not that full of myself that I think I have a say.

    Plus, having the nose made smaller isn't altering her whole look & isn't a big deal. It will be subtle, so it's not a great comparison.

    But to humor you, sure I would. It's their body to do what they want with.

  3. Honestly I think you have plenty of ground to stand on. If it was non consensual, that guy cannot be a part of her life – and if the friend facilitated it without ever consulting her, then absolutely. How many other unsafe or uncomfortable situations would this friend put her in?

    If it was consensual and she just hasn’t been open about it out of shame, then you again have plenty of ground to say you’re uncomfortable with them remaining friends. Don’t be ashamed of your needs – which are for her to not be close to two people she had a threesome with at the expense of a reunion between you two. If she is unwilling to cut them out, then maybe she will always place you low in the priority list compared to friends, old flames, or future involvements. I don’t feel you’re being unreasonable, but it’s nice to see you understand what you’re asking and think of whether or not you should be asking it

  4. Would you still say this after we had been retired for, say 30 years, and our combined funds had been invested earning interest the whole time? How would you determine how much the step kids get at that point? We may have had only $100k when we stopped contributing to the funds, but they may have grown to $10 million over time. We may have built a life together that requires $10 million to maintain (property taxes, house worker salaries, etc.). I can’t imagine having that right now, but I’m exaggerating for the point.

  5. Hello /u/Bet_Acrobatic,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  6. This is abusive. He is looking for a way to degrade you, thus making you feel bad about yourself and unworthy, and then dependent on him for any validation.

  7. Just accept that this NYE, the two of you won't be together, so do what you need to do on NYE if you don't want to be at home alone.

    Then hope that after a short time apart, your angry feelings for each other can subside and you'll get back together again. Or else, if she's really serious about saying “She doesn't even wanna see me anymore”, then maybe it was already the end .

  8. That’s terrible but you literally have endless possibilities!! Move where you want see who you want EAT what you want ?

  9. I mean op you did marry a child. This kind of immaturity and disrespect shouldn’t be a shocker. ? i’m 27 and couldn’t imagine being with a 21 year, they still need so much parenting. She doesn’t feel like a wife because she’s barely become a woman nor does she posses the emotional intelligence to fulfill the role Properly.

    Good luck, learn to communicate, set boundaries and grown some. Also co dependency is not healthy! 75%? Why marry a child man? That’s the level of attention kids need.

  10. So… he’s been doing this lotion thing for a while now and the condom keep slipping of? And he says you WILL have an abortion if you get pregnant. You have told him the lotion is hurting you and he is refusing to use lube instead of lotion. He is aware you can’t use any other form of protection because of your meds. Are you sure this man has your best interest at heart? Cause he sounds abusive to me. Like he wants you to get pregnant so he can force you to have an abortion and in the meantime has no problem you are uncomfortable and hurting because of his practices

  11. I’d just leave her. Co parenting isn’t the worst thing. You’ll never be able to trust her now and always resent her. Idk that’s just how I’d feel. If you can get over it then that’s good for you

  12. You usually cannot pick up a pregnancy a week after. Earliest is about “four” weeks, where you would have been pregnant for only two weeks. If she’s saying 3 weeks, she probably means there’s been clump of cells dividing inside of her for 3 weeks.

  13. I mean what's your point, sure that's true but when you on-line with people you have to compromise with what they're doing. The person to who you responded to has a good point that if you vet and screen the people that you bring home then you reasonably watch out for your roommates well being.

    If you personally have a rule that your rommates can't bring anyone home ever then probably most people would find that unreasonable.

  14. Your feelings are a natural reaction to the trauma you experienced. Unfortunately, since you still on-line at home at 28, they are going to prepare and serve whatever food they want. You can tell them how you feel and ask them for help or deal with it, but it isn't Burger King. You can't change lunch.

  15. Pedo mustache. I'm sure you find it humorous and entertaining to ascribe possibly the worst type of crime in the history of forever to a natural part of male biology, but it is disgusting. And frankly kinda sexist

    You're allowed to not like his look. He's also allowed to use the opportunity to voice things he does not like. A little give and take isn't bad.

  16. Wise decision, 9 months is too early to buy something together, TBH.

    I did that with an ex: I bought the flat and he only paid a ‘rent’ (lower than half of the mortgage) and half of the monthly expenses. Plan was that if the relationship went well, he’d buy his half of the flat and get in on the mortgage (true you need to pay notary deed expenses on these additional operators but so will you if you end up buying together then breaking up down the road, with the additional problem of paying a compensation fee to the one not keeping the flat).

    That being said, not even sure the bank would want you on tte mortgage (depending on your financial situation + usually reluctant to loan to new romantic couples). So this might even be a non issue.

  17. Wise decision, 9 months is too early to buy something together, TBH.

    I did that with an ex: I bought the flat and he only paid a ‘rent’ (lower than half of the mortgage) and half of the monthly expenses. Plan was that if the relationship went well, he’d buy his half of the flat and get in on the mortgage (true you need to pay notary deed expenses on these additional operators but so will you if you end up buying together then breaking up down the road, with the additional problem of paying a compensation fee to the one not keeping the flat).

    That being said, not even sure the bank would want you on tte mortgage (depending on your financial situation + usually reluctant to loan to new romantic couples). So this might even be a non issue.

  18. Control He wants to keep you off balance Always wondering and questioning yourself. Just because he is attracted to you doesn’t mean he loves you He doesn’t love you

  19. The ages are pretty questionable, but a few questions for you.

    Was the accident your fault? How did it happen?

    How badly did you damage the car?

    Did you have permission?

    How has the relationship been so far? Any stressors, unemployment, etc.?

  20. Depends on his personality, if he’s one to joke a lot I wouldn’t take it too seriously. Sounds like a light hearted joke to me

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