??????? ??????? the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


??????? ???????, 39 y.o.


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??????? ??????? live! sex chat

Date: October 5, 2022

19 thoughts on “??????? ??????? the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Yeah I’m hoping so. He kept telling me how beautiful I’m during sex. And to finish off I gave him oral/ hand which after I licked off the you know what he had a smirk on his face. So I’m thinking he was really into it. Ugh I’m just confused tbf

  2. If you think she’s gross, break up with her. If you think it’s gross to have consensual sex, get therapy. “Ew it’s so gross that women have sex. Unless it’s with me of course” -you

    What do you find so devaluing about having consensual sex? Why do you place so much value on the purity of her body?

    Could it also be that she values her own pleasure and wanted to explore her sexuality? Is it also possible that it’s actually none of your business what she did before meeting you? All that should matter to you is that she’s STD free, wants the same kind of relationship you want, and cares about/respects you as a person.

    But clearly that isn’t all that matters because you’re pressed she had sex before she met you. Wah wah. Try for even just a second to comprehend that women enjoy sex too, their value isn’t attached to their bodies, and they’re as free as you are to have sex.

    If that doesn’t align with your “values” then break up with her. Go find yourself someone whose views align with yours.

  3. i didn’t add in the post but when he went to his grandparents before he went to jail for other stuff he went to a rehab and takes suboxone to help with withdrawals so I like to tell myself he got help to stop doing it but idk what i should think anymore

  4. I read something recently that said something like “broken trust is like melted chocolate, no matter how hot you try to freeze it it will never take it's original shape again”

  5. Earth will be fine it’s just all of life that is what gets killed. Earth has survived bigger things than nukes. Earth will be fine it’s just all of life will most likely go extinct until all of the chemicals go away

  6. “Her watch shows her heart rate at 150 six times that day. Shows that she was running to get coffee or toilet break.” – OP after many mental gymnastics.

  7. If you consider looking around and interacting with people in a perfectly normal fashion “causing it” then I suppose so lol.

    Look, even if he HAD been ogling others, my response to it was uncalled for. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

    I should have gotten therapy, but this was the early 90s and we tried to claw our way through our trauma instead. So it was a lot of looking in the mirror and a lot of positive daily self talk. I’m worthy, I’m beautiful, I will not be jealous today. Idk eventually it just stuck.

    I’m actually certain this came from abandonment issues from losing both my parents when I was very young. Which was also absolutely not his fault

  8. Yes, I already felt like that sometimes.. Many tasks weren't finished on time, she had overall a very chaotic schedule and lifestyle. She would tell me that she is stressed because she needs to finish this project in three days and haven't written a note but at the same time laughed at how chaotic her schedule is. Part of me liked that aspect of “not caring too much, free spirit” vibe, but I imagined what it would look like in the future and I didn't like it

  9. I… really don’t know what to say? Like honestly if she never told me anything she could have gotten away with it and she has been expressive over her troubles so i know she really did need a place to stay over.

  10. Haha today wasn’t even with him! I wanted to try some for my migraine. But yea evidently maybe I’ll just have to take weed in private

  11. are you… a monster? like literally did you escape from the gates of hell? leave her the hell alone

  12. Sounds odd to me, but maybe he's an odd duck. My guess is that he resents you for him having to work/pay the bills while you stay home all day? Does that resonate more with what could be going on with him?

    If he is actively withholding affection, that's not a good sign for the future and that is something you need to figure out together.

  13. My ex was emotionally, verbally and financially abusive, and at times got physical with me. But the last straw that actually enabled me to end things was how useless he was around the house. He'd explode at me so I wouldn't remind him to do chores and I actually ended up spontaneously dislocating my jaw (unfortunately not an exaggeration) from the ongoing tension caused by having to keep my mouth shut to keep the peace, even though I was raging inside. It was my rage at having to do EVERYTHING that kept me strong through the breakup and even when he was threatening and blackmailing and generally harassing me through the coming months, I still had far more peace having my home to myself and knowing I was no longer responsible for him.

    All of this is to say, do not underestimate how much this wears you down. And absolutely do not think that you are unreasonable for making this a hill to die on. Honestly, it doesn't sound like he's actually willing to make a change, and why would he when he can have his cake and eat it? So the question you might need to start asking yourself is whether you are OK with this for the rest of your life?

    There are tonnes of articles and chore cards and all kinds of other resources to help someone who is willing to change understand the division of labour in a marriage. But it doesn't sound like you haven't communicated clearly. There isn't a different, magic set of words to explain it to him. He understands what you've said, he's just choosing not to take it seriously or have any empathy for your position. Are you OK with that?

  14. No contact with AP is the most basic requirement for a success reconciliation. Renewed contact basically takes you back to square one. Dday 2.

    She can say it means nothing as much as she wants. But renewed contact is the starting point for a renewal of the affair.

  15. So you want to go on a holiday because of the loss that he will need to pay for, and yet you have no awareness around how HE maybe feeling & what HE needs after the loss in order to recover?


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