???? ● ??????? ➭ ????????_ the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


???? ● ??????? ➭ ????????_, 26 y.o.


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???? ● ??????? ➭ ????????_ online sex chat

Date: October 5, 2022

16 thoughts on “???? ● ??????? ➭ ????????_ the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. why do you think your friends will leave you cause of your age gap with him? And if they do, they really aren't your “friends” especially if they think he could be a creep or something

  2. Yeah I would like to think that optimistically and whatnot. But I’m unsure she will make the strides. She seemed motivated but I guess it was all a lie. I don’t know how distance and less communication will help us. But she’s found lack of a reason to still speak with me. I guess it’s up to time now.

  3. We are living together since 2016.

    That's a lifetime in dog years! ?

    It's a pretty long time in “relationship years,” too…

    Recently, after my 26th birthday, how I think about us and the future has brought an immense difference in how I see our relationship.

    I'll bet!

    You're not college kids any more. You are adults now, and have to think about future possibilities like careers, marriage and children.

    “Where do you see yourself!?”.

    A better question would have been: “Where do you see us?”

    First thing he said was to Give him 2 months to think about everything.

    TWO MONTHS?!?!?!?

    Are you kidding me???

    He's had seven years to think about things!

    Or was he too busy with those video games to think about important things, like you, and his life?


    His answer tells me he's been drifting along all this time in his own world, with no real regard for anything outside his own needs and comforts.

    I'd want to know what he thinks RIGHT NOW.

    I want to start to have a life!

    Then he needs to start growing up.

    Remember what I said earlier about you both growing up and becoming adults?

    I'm changing it to “you both got older, but only one of you became an adult.”

    He said, “ He wants to do whatever he wants to do”!! I think he think im mothering him!

    No points for guessing which of you got left behind in “The Maturity Game.”

    I am just questioning everything and the past years of my commitment for us!

    As well you should!

    It's looking like a very questionable investment of time and effort. I'm sure this relationship had its moments over the years, but the long-term outlook isn't looking very good right now.

    He has given you absolutely no reason to have confidence in a stable future of the type you probably want. Further, he has shown that he thinks only of himself, and does not even consider you when making decisions (like those cats!).

    This does not bode well long-term for your lives together.

    if I have to go all the way over to otherside for love, is it worth it?

    No, because you will end up unhappy, resenting him and feeling trapped.

    Which means even longer and more agonized messages here. ?

    No, better to kick him in the butt so that he “straightens up and flies right,” or, if that doesn't look like it's going to happen, dump him and find someone who is willing to wear the “big boy pants.”

    Chalk up this relationship to being a “practice run” at life. It sustained you through your young adulthood, but you (singular, not including him) have outgrown it; it is now actually holding you back.

    Personally, I think he's too far gone to be salvaged, but asking you to dump him without giving him a chance isn't fair, and probably is asking too much.

    Instead of two months, tell him this today: you're thinking of ending this relationship real soon unless things change radically. Specifically, a plan must be made for your future. Are you getting married? When? Having children? When? Buying a house? Other major expenses?

    I'd say give him a week to get his thoughts together, then sit down and have a no-bullshit conversation with him where you tackle these and other questions.

    And if he balks, or is half-assed in going about this…

    *** BAM **\*

    That's the sound of your foot impacting his ass.

    Or it's the door slamming shut behind you as you leave for good.

  4. Good god, if you have to set a boundary, in a monogamous relationship, that you can't kiss other people then….well one of you shouldn't be in a relationship

  5. Umm how many coaches have been accused of SA? Looking at the USA women’s gymnastics team for the prime example. Still, why put yourself in that position?

  6. What the fuck LOL just because someone doesn’t like you doesn’t mean they feel emasculated. Get a grip she just looks too boring for them to want her. I’m a woman in the alt scene and definitely dress the part and it’s most likely that they just aren’t attracted to her style. There’s nothing wrong with that

  7. Oh, it was an accident alright. It wasn’t meant for your sister. It was meant for some random woman.. I’m assuming who’s name starts with the same letter as your sister.

  8. Well, it can be that she's an actually good follower of the book “and I love my fellows because Christ came to spread love, not hate”, but it can also be that she's queer, and either in denial or waiting for you to make a move. Make your move, but if you think she's in denial, don't pressure her. If she says no, it's no, and period. Denial is something very personal that must be overcome personally, not with anybody's help.

  9. The only time that's acceptable is when someone is saying it about themselves and then goes on to describe that they have red hair and curves in all the right places, ie a different sort of fanfiction

  10. You made the right call. Her actions were immature, selfish and frankly pretty borderline. You’re saving yourself a nightmare down the road.

  11. Clearly he has no intention of being monogamous with you, and if you really don’t like it and he continues to do it you’re only going to be hurting yourself and driving yourself crazy the longer you stay with him.

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