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Date: October 31, 2022

19 thoughts on “❤Joanna Jackson❤ https://onlyfans.com/joannajackson. the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. If you love her, you shouldn’t care what your colleagues opinions are. 24/25 is still really young and she just ended up not liking the field of her bachelor’s, it happens. People restart their career in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s no timeline is the same. If you and her are happy and stable don’t let outsiders affect it. You said it yourself! She’s a hot worker 🙂 it’s nude out there right now.

  2. I also fail to understand you after your last reply. You just stated that you see her as a woman, not as a man. Good luck to you!

  3. Pull out your vibrator first.

    My husband usually gets excited watching. Plus, there’s always mutual masterbation and oral.

    Sounds like he doesn’t want to put in the extra work.

  4. Hello /u/littlemissrea,

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  5. If you go through your life thinking that everyone has to like you, you’re setting yourself up for major disappointment. That goes doubly so if you’re basing your self worth on the opinion of your SOs ex.

    I think the more glaring observation to be drawn is how insecure the ex BF is if he is forbidding OP from coming to a big house party. It’s petty and everyone around him sees how he’s still hung up on his ex GF.

    Also, I think it’s pretty obvious OPs GF is a pretty shitty person herself if she wants to go to her ex boyfriends party when her BF has been forbidden from attending. That doesn’t really show much dedication and loyalty on her part.

    But I applaud your effort to make it seem like OP is the one with issues. It’s a stretch and a half, but a valiant attempt nonetheless.

  6. You don't have a job. You had all week to prepare. You chose to spend all day Saturday doing what you wanted. You chose a very complicated thing when literally nobody asked you to. You got frustrated at the situation you put yourself in and took it out on your husband.

    And then finally…

    You told your husband it was all his fault.

    Gee, I wonder why he thinks you are gaslighting him…

    He does this thing where he won't help me if I'm angry, stressed or grumpy

    Most people don't want to help others (even their spouse) when they are acting awful and are mean to us.

    I don't know how to move forward with my husband.

    Take responsibility for your own actions.

    Stop blaming him for all your problems.

    Be nice to your husband.

  7. I always wondered if men would be resentful of actually having to take care of everything all the time except what’s in the house. Tell her it’s not 1955 and she’s a grown adult woman she hast to deal with her anxiety like every other person working has to. Some of the medication they take, but they deal with it and they work. I’ve worked my whole life except the year right around my sons birth, and that was it.

    Tell her Dwight D Eisenhower wants his values back and she’s living in the 21st-century. She can work at home with almost no effort, so please encourage her to go back and get a job.

  8. Yeah, being 18 she has a really immature view of their relationship evidenced by the fact that she expects this all to go her way.

  9. okay but like that’s not what gaslighting is, dude is just lying and manipulative. Gaslighting would be like if he said “I never said that, you must’ve made it up or something because I’d never say anything like that”

  10. It's unfair but I'm really starting to resent her.

    If it's not her fault, then why do you resent Kierra in addition to the people who are making false assumptions?

    Everyone who has seen us has decided I'm a pedophile.

    Or maybe they are just jealous. Who knows?

    How can I try and salvage any of this? Is it even fucking possible?

    Maybe have some more patience? At some point, the community where you live is probably going to find something else to hate on. You're still new, so you're the target of local gossip right now.

    By the way, it sounds like you have some sort of issue with people talking bad about you. Yes, you should ignore what people are saying, but you can't. That's a clear sign of something that you need to heal within yourself (on the psychological level). The solution to life's challenges is not to run from them, unless you want to be running your whole life. So consider therapy as an alternative to going crazy.

  11. Give it back to her. Let it roll off. I don't know what else you can do in this situation. She's going to be around and it seems that your family is fond of her.

  12. The most cringe for me was the guy who thought he was talking to Katy Perry; he had an heirloom emerald turned into an extravagant engagement ring, I think. Nev and Max took his dumbass all the way to the UK to meet his catfish who was a regular, normal girl. And the WHOLE time this guy is waiting for the real Katy Perry to jump out of the bushes and surprise him. It was really sad and honestly frightening commentary about the kind of obsessive fans celebrities and their circles deal with.

  13. If they believe him over you then they are not your friends. You'll be better off with friends that actually look out for your interests

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