❤️Lora and Rebecca ❤️ the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


❤️Lora and Rebecca ❤️, 23 y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms ❤️Lora and Rebecca ❤️

❤️Lora and Rebecca ❤️ live sex chat

Date: October 8, 2022

19 thoughts on “❤️Lora and Rebecca ❤️ the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Not gonna comment on everything else, because I just feel uncomfortable commenting this…

    But know that the “day after pill” works by delaying ovulation, if she has already ovulated, then there is a chance that she might still get pregnant.

    Did you cum inside when the condom came off?

  2. My opinion-

    There’s no such thing as perfect, maybe he is perfect for you, but it’s been 4 months so check yourself on your expectations and don’t put him on a pedestal – that isn’t fair to either of you.

    41 and has only been to 1 strip club in his life? Sorry- not buying that. I’ve heard that line before and usually it means « it’s not my scene » but by 41 he has likely been on business trips, to bachelor parties etc

    Why do you feel uncomfortable? Because he is going to a sexually charged environment where alcohol is served and you won’t be there to supervise. If you’re that concerned you can talk to him and establish boundaries you are comfortable with (no touching, no private dances, etc) but 4 months in, he has done the courtesy of letting you know about the invite and that it’s not his scene, so I would probably leave it at that.

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  4. He takes less time to get ready because you do 80% of it for him. He should be up making lunches and coffee with you! He is literally buying his rest with your labor and then adding to your labor by not getting himself up.

    You are never, ever responsible for getting a grown man up for work. You tell him you will never again wake him up for anything less than a house fire type emergency.

  5. It has become a running joke within the family that I’m basically a gigantic pussy.

    It does seem that way when you're crying about it. Shutting it down makes it seem more so.

    You're going to have to live with this one. As family stories go, this one isn't getting forgotten.

  6. Tell your father. People here are right, that there could be any number of reasons why this happened that don’t involve cheating.

    If it is cheating though, your father has a right to know. And since you already found out, there’s no risk of you being hurt by any of the moral reasons this could happen (I.e. sperm donor).

    Tell him and just don’t make any accusations. Just ask why does this say I’m half Asian?

  7. Pressing a 'like' button live is literally nothing compared to flirting with drunk guys in person week in and week out. Don't let her tell you that you did worse than her. Because that's bullshit.

  8. You’re going to have to either find a cheap house share or go to your student body and ask for financial help.

    You cannot stay with him in a one bed property as his ex and you’ll just end up being dragged into his shit over and over.

    Also, who is paying for his half of the rent and bills if he’s not working? If you can’t afford to move out to a smaller place then how can you afford to pay for his place?

  9. It was a waste of time and $. I agree. And yea, my reality isn’t what I want it to be right now. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I made this post because I am dissatisfied with my reality… that’s the whole point

  10. When did people start celebrating women’s day? Is this a new thing?

    Is it like national donut day?

  11. Women are always at fault for sex again?

    No one is saying that at all. Get out of here with that nonsense.

    There is a difference between being drunk and being so drunk that you literally remember nothing. There absolutely is a point where people (men or women) are unable to consent due to being too drunk or high.

    We don't know how drunk she was or how things went down to know if this was rape or not. But when one person was so drunk that they don't remember anything, whether they got sexually assaulted or had consensual sex is a topic that should be discussed.

  12. Dude why would you wanna be with someone who is clearly still in love with their ex? You gotta have more self respect in this situation

  13. Thank you for your comment, and you bring up a good point.

    My philosophy is sort of similar to yours: nobody is a perfect partner, and people will inadvertently hurt one another. It just happens. What often matters the most is how you respond – a quick but meaningful apology can go really far.

    My partner apologizes most of the time, but every once in awhile he refuses to because he feels justified with whatever behavior he did.

    He has only refused to apologize a handful of times. Unfortunately for me I hold a grudge, and those rare occasions still upset me off when I think about them. I’m not perfect either – I know holding grudges is not healthy. But I’m not sure what to do about that.

  14. See if he wants to grab coffee! People do date from work. It can go sideways but if you’re mature about it then it should be ok. If you’re both interested life is too short to wonder about what ifs.

  15. He sounds like the kind of man that would kill off his family instead of divorce. Please be careful!!!

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