❀ Wolfy and Foxy ❀ /fans.ly/r/cheriiins the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


❀ Wolfy and Foxy ❀ /fans.ly/r/cheriiins, 25 y.o.


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❀ Wolfy and Foxy ❀ /fans.ly/r/cheriiins live! sex chat

Date: October 9, 2022

33 thoughts on “❀ Wolfy and Foxy ❀ /fans.ly/r/cheriiins the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. angry

    Angry isn't good.

    5 year relationship

    recently got him on board for me to drink which is something he was previously not okay with (over 1 year ago). He has never drank or used substances

    He has an ultimatum about weed

    controlling or is this a fair compromise?

    For the most part people don't change … though sometimes they might … if they want to. So yeah, generally changing people … and especially against their wishes … that's generally a no-go – or won't go well. So, you knew what you were getting into – should be no surprise … you pushed and got some compromise … and yet you're continuing to push more. Why? Do you want to break the relationship up? 'Cause that's the direction you're pushing it. You keep pushing, you might want to think long and naked about how important to you is what you're pushing for … vs. the relationship.

  2. I wanted to do a post just about the cheating not the herpes. I’ve accepted the herpes because he has since proven he didn’t know he had it (rang the doctors in front of me about past records and among other things)

    I want to know if the cheating itself is something to get over or not

  3. “Bet. You get a height enhancement for an extra 4 inches and then we can talk about my boob job”

  4. I would sit her down and discuss your boundaries around drug use. Don't frame it as an ultimatum. Frame it as I am not judging you or telling you what to do. I am sharing my personal boundaries around being in a relationship with someone who uses drugs. Take all of the “you” language out. This conversation is about sharing your feelings over drug use, not a referendum on her.

    Although you are in a sticky situation when your friends use it, they are NOT your partner. You don't sleep with them every night, don't rely on them for a financial contribution to household expenses, and are not intimate with them. It is totally fine to have different boundaries with friends vs spouse.

  5. You know the point of the dating scene for the vast majority of people is to find what you have. Do some more research and see how much older, insecure guys with no real dating game/history tend to make out in the dating game. Once you make your decision, you’re slamming the door hard on your gf forever….

  6. This is rape , you did not consent and tried to stop her. Leave her immediately and get try to get it documented. Either a coins oler, support group, PCP, police your pick. Stay away from that thing. It’s rape If need be try and get in contact with a sexual assault hotline if you have issues or need someone who will understand to talk to like RAINN.

  7. I had a teacher embarrass TS out of me in high-school because my clothes smelt like cigarettes (my parents smoked with us in the car on the way to school) I've never touched a cigarette. I was an athlete, and in front of the whole class said “I can't believe you SMOKE at your age, and while you play sports”! I just turned bright red, and told him my parents smoke… All he said was “Oh”. No apology or anything.

  8. How do you know he did weird shit? I'm sorry, but like.. it always seems like anytime a woman gets drunk and does something questionable it's always “she was assaulted!!” We have no proof of that. The bottom line is, yes she could have been or she was so fucked up she doesn't remember asking her also drunk friend to cuddle her. Sometimes, women do stupid shit like getting black out drunk with their male best friend on Valentine's day and then cuddle them.

  9. What did I just read?

    You’re married, all marital property is half yours and he’s got a private account and is sending money to a woman you don’t know for a reason you don’t know?

    Why do people think this is okay?

  10. Until you and Nguyen learn, and it becomes more natural, treated me like you were a stranger. If one of your friends or a worker said you’re beautiful today you would feel flattered first. And then you would say thank you that was really nice. I’ve kind of went through something similar probably not for the same reasons but I learn to do that so gradually overtime, I got more comfortable about accepting compliments and interacting with somebody who cared for me.

  11. Jesus you're salty as fuck aren't you. You really are an angel in your arm chair of judgment. People like you are usually named Karen, and you make the world worse.

  12. Yes. By the time re realized what he had and let go he was re married and I’m happier with someone else. Sometimes things just don’t work out- and it’s for a reason. You aren’t going to be 24 forever, don’t waste your youth on someone who doesn’t appreciate it.

  13. Regardless of when it happened. Clearly I don’t think you’ll see her the same and I don’t blame you. You won’t trust her and doubt her. She even telling you the truth was it only for those times or more? Anyone else? Too many variables especially since she hid it for so long. I understand you wouldn’t want to lose the time invested into the relationship and her. But do what’s best for you and your peace of mind. Good luck OP

  14. I’ve been in this exact situation except he made clear that if I made him choose, he would choose the friendship out of principle regardless of his feelings for me. It took a lot of work and talking it through (and mostly it’s just because of how great his friend is), but we worked through it and now she’s a really close friend of mine as well.

  15. Oh it happens. I have a family member the same way. Can’t even handle his girlfriend walk to the store on the corner alone because he thinks she’s secretly going to run off with a cashier if he’s away from her for a minute. She is just as bad. 8 years in and neither of them have any friends besides each other, and can’t even get through a workday without one of them getting reprimanded because they stepped aside to talk on the phone for reassurance. End stage codependency, and annoying to see.

  16. The more I think about it the more I feel like I’m too in love with my bf to even consider breaking up with him. I’ll probably wait for a while to see how things go in our relationship and try to “ignore” my coworker. But please let me know if you have anymore thoughts, definitely keeping me a bit more sane rn

  17. “Thankfully we live in a time where if you actually tried to kidnap and sexually assault her as you've just implied you would like, you'd very likely find yourself shot.”

  18. Your problem isn't the weed. Its your gf's focus on her friends and not you. Stick to that. It simplifies your issues

    Talk to her about her priorities, if you are not occasionally it you may want to find another gf

  19. I can't unless I'm sloppy drunk, so it's been years. It's not for everyone, and no one should pressure you into something you don't want to do. Ask him if you can do it to him. He obviously has no clue how much it hurts. Until and unless he agrees to have it done to him, it ain't happenin'. If he says he's not gay, tell him you're not a gay man, in case he hasn't noticed.

  20. Many people have suggested starting with foreplay and oral that focuses on her and I agree.

    There is also a trick that can sometimes hold back your orgasm. The frenulum is on the underside of head of the penis. If you feel that you are about to orgasm but don't want to, squeeze your frenulum between two fingers; this can reduce your level of arousal and allow you to hold off the orgasm for a while.

    This doesn't always work; do it too late and you'll just have a ruined orgasm. Too long and you may lose your erection. However, just right may let you keep going for a while longer.

    You can also consider reducing the time between rounds. If you go straight to cunnilingus after the first round, your level of arousal might rebound quickly so that you can proceed to a second round. This presumes that you are cardiovascularly fit and not drunk.

  21. First, you need to stop calling it a mistake. Your dick didn’t accidentally slip into her vagina over and over again. What you did was purposeful.

  22. Yup, thanks it's exactly my point. Stop victimizing yourself if you weren't one:)

    Well then, tell because it was hot for me to imagine, but I'd like exemples

  23. Dude, you're not getting validation you want on here because it's seems you're genuinely being unfair. it's okay to be upset, but she hasn't done anything wrong or cruel and you shouldn't blame her for acting badly, bc she hasnt

  24. I don't mean if she drinks a lot in general.

    I mean if her drinking is getting in the way of having meaningful dates or time spent together frequently than there's an issue here.

    But an occasional and she's hungover, i mean shit happens.

  25. Time to drop the weight sis. And I’m talking about the boyfriend not you. This is begging behavior and you don’t need that shit in your life. You’re naked as ever before and he’s projecting. Drop him and go have a very hot girl summer

  26. Absolutely worst advice EVER. Do your own research on how many knee-jerk military marriages end in divorce after 1 or 2 years. How many teen marriages end in divorce. How many marriages end in divorce.

    Hell no. You go to med school, secure your own INDEPENDENT future and then consider if you want to marry this guy (I'm willing to bet that you won't even be together in a couple of years).

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