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♥♥♥couple♥♥Sexy♥♥hot♥♥sex♥♥♥ live! sex chat

Date: October 11, 2022

18 thoughts on “♥♥♥couple♥♥Sexy♥♥hot♥♥sex♥♥♥ the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. She either still wants to see other people or you’re not being firm enough in what you want, set a boundary and let her know she can do what she likes but if she isn’t exclusive to you then bye bye, plenty more woman out there.

    She’s 100% still talking to other options, weighing them up including you. There’s no excuse for her actions and she’s basically saying she was exclusive to you and then downloading the app because conversation was a bit dry? She’s letting you know the instant something feels off she’s gonna look elsewhere, do you even wanna date someone like that? Look at peoples actions, not what they tell you.

  2. I'm not saying you should or have to stay with him by any means, but there are a lot of myths around sociopathy out there and in these comments.

  3. I was just mentioning that story in one of my other responses. Because this situation did remind me of that one.

  4. Its normal for food service. As long as it isn't effecting her ability to do her job. Id be surprised if her boss didn't have a pen themselves.

  5. She said it was RA (a type of arthritis). Not deadly but yes she got put on some immune drug that affected fertility and apparently the flare ups are so bad she couldn’t walk at times without a cane / wheelchair

  6. Pro tip: meal plan for the week and do your grocery shop on the weekend and stop being a short order cook. You really should only have to cook maybe 4 days a week. And if she wants something else, she can make it herself. You’re doing way too much.

    As for the rest, set a timer. Give her 10 min to vent and be done. That’s just ridiculous. You’re not her emotional support animal. If she’s that miserable she should do something about it. I realize some people just like to bitch but she sounds really self centered.

    I’d just tell her that moving forward, she gets 10 min. Your mental health is being impacted.

  7. The pastor said “those accusations have to end now!”

    There's your fucking problem.

    Pastors are literally the perpetrators of this kind of shit compulsively. Why would they back you up, you're a woman.

  8. You were upvoted by me. While I do not fully agree with your opinions, I see value in them and how they give OP a different perspective to look at this situation with.

  9. Here’s how I see it:

    You have not gone snooping or looking for this information, it has been shared with you. As a result you are unsure if he is truthful. You have only been together six months which is not ling enough to really know someone. He is adamant this other girl didn’t get into his car but your other co-worker says it’s what she saw. What reason would your co-worker have to lie? Also your bf gave one version of events then changed it. Then said if you’re having trust issues now, it’s a problem (that sounds a little like a gas lighting deflection). I say review the security cameras and then you will know for sure. It’s better than constantly having it in the back of your mind. And if you do see this girl get in the car, then he’s lied to your face twice and yes, you do have a problem.

  10. Uhhh she's not wrong at all though. Why would you not lie about college or job apps? I think you're being a bit naive tbh. The drink thing was weird though

  11. I think you need to involve the college. Start by talking to your dorm manager, make an appointment with a counselor. The school needs to understand their role in fostering a permissive environment for abuse. This is unlikely to be an isolated incident

  12. Don’t take criticism from a woman who thinks Clorox wipes belong near genitals. She probably rinses at home with straight bleach. Wtf. Never contact her again.

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