ᴍᴀʀʏ the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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ᴍᴀʀʏ live! sex chat

Date: October 9, 2022

64 thoughts on “ᴍᴀʀʏ the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Not only that but the whole “i thought you knew!” is even more manipulation in that context.

    She didn’t care about hurting you. She cared about hurting HERSELF, and lied to you to protect herself.

  2. things that should be reasonably assumed?

    Clearly not the case for him.

    If it gets too much like “mothering” you may want to consider if this is the kind of relationship you want.

  3. Is therapy an option for you?

    It sounds like she's being emotionally abusive on her period and she's not making steps to grow and resolve her problems. Even if you can be negative sometimes, you still deserve love and respect, ok?

    Regardless of what she's going through during her period, pain, hormones, potential PMDD. It's does NOT justify her behavior. She is still accountable for what she says and does.

  4. honestly, the fact y’all ran away from a program together tells me your relationship, regardless of age, is destined to fail and be toxic as hell. the 18 year gap just adds an extra layer of creepy. leave him. get yourself better.

  5. You are selfish because you don’t care about your boyfriends feelings and don’t even want to change anything about that. That makes you selfish

  6. No matter how much absolute love and admiration I had for him and everything he did for me I could never see past it and trust me I LOVED him but I could never have sex without feeling guilty and thinking about what he did please please please don't stay if this still hurts you it won't go away.

  7. Explain to her condoms are the safe test way to protect against pregnancy She can download an app to track her flow so she can know when she is fertile(more likely to get pregnant) and less fertile(less likely to get pregnant. I was on the depo shot for a little over three years while in a relationship with my ex. My biggest concern while on depo was the long term effects it can do to one’s body. My body has been going through haywire for the past 4 months but that is expected with long term birth control use. So condoms are my best friend as most doctors say your chance of getting pregnant during this time is “significantly higher” I DO NOT want to get pregnant I am 25 and still have so much to do before I start a family. Use the ultra thin condoms if she “feels” it, honestly I never feel it. Sex is amazing with my partner either way. You have a say what you do with your body. She needs to hear you out and stop throwing a fit when you’re just trying to be safe while she isn’t on any form of birth control PULL OUT GAME ONLY WORKS FOR SO LONG. She can get pregnant off your pre cum If any of the above still doesn’t convince her to use condoms. You might need to reconsider a diff partner. Cause she is not making the relationship a safe space where both of y’all can come together and actually talk through things Having a child is a hugeeeee responsibility and it doesn’t seem like she is responsible enough to have one at this moment.

  8. Zackly. If I told my girl that I'm heading to Arby's with my homeboy do you really need to know that we pivoted to McRibs and an Egg nog shake instead?

  9. u/ZestycloseCourage473, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. And yet that insignificant jewelry got angrily taken, hidden for years and then given away for spite for your stepdaughter wanting to feel close to her dead mother. And YOU'RE responsible for standing in the shadow of her mother because you're so insecure that you can't deal with the love that husband and stepdaughter have for her. Go build yourself so you won't need to steal from people out of jealousy and greed. (I don't believe that you have it away. You sold it).

    Find a way to embrace the dead wife/mom. They will never stop loving her so change the frame and facilitate special remembrances for her. Allow yourself to accept and love the person your family loves (but don't be fake). She's not your competitor. Then you will find yourself having more love from/with your family.

    I think you better come clean and agree to get it back or buy it back.. Then get yourself some help.

  11. There are situations which can't be solved in any good way. In this case she developed feelings for you, and you handled the talk the best you could.

    The problem is that she probably would find it difficult to be around a person she has strong feelings for, but you would of course not be able to produce feelings you don't have.

    In these situations the only thing that usually helps, is distance. Sometimes taking a year off without meeting up can dissolve the situation and everybody can move on. Not always, though.

    It would of course be the best if no feelings had arisen at all, but she probably had no saying either in her feelings, so it's just an unlucky situation.

  12. Hello /u/ThrowRALilseer,

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  14. He is controlling and abusing your Mom, your Mom is reaching out to you for help. Tell your mom to contact a women's center or a dv center and make a plan to leave

  15. Forgive. Her?

    That’s a no.

    A cheater cheating is one thing. Abandoning a SIX YEAR OLD is neglect.

    Please either separate her from you and kid, or send kid to live somewhere safe.

  16. Dude as you said you both started the relationship having different ideas and boundaries about behaviors on relationships… One year passed and yet you have these disagreements. Sorry but for my perspective there is no way a relationship with such differences could go on well. I truly believe you and her can find people who matches your expectations. She can be a very good girl, and make you happy, but thinking long term it will be very complicated.

  17. Hello /u/PerspectiveLess3632,

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  18. The gaming issue… I feel like that's a common problem with Millennial and Gen Z men. There has to be a way we can address that issue as a society because I see gaming saps motivation left & right.

  19. Just leave him. What are you waiting for? He clearly doesn't value you or your feelings. Why are you fighting for the affection of someone who doesn't care about you?

  20. It's not the norm in like 90% of Europe either. Where do people get this idea from that we all just walk with our cocks and tits out in the open constantly?

    Yes there are hard beaches. Mostly filled with old people thought.

  21. I disagree He really wants his butt played with

    Sometimes other men gay men and bi men are willing to do that

    It's not his 1st preference

    He wants his wife to do it

  22. For starts, dishonesty is very unattractive to women. We don't care if you're a virgin or not, but we do care if you lie to us.

    You need to come clean with your GF and explain why you felt like you had to lie to begin with. If shes a keeper, she'll understand.

  23. You sound like a narcissist…everything is about you…a marriage is about give and take…get into therapy for yourself and couples therapy to fix your marriage

  24. wow so unless your wife had reason to believe that .. … she’s being. a jealous insecure brat for no reason.

    so all this has everthing to do with your wife’s lack of self esteem. she’s gone beyond by tarnishing someone’s name .

  25. She is protecting her son. Can't you see how your approach to your son's play damages his enthusiasm.

    I coached pre and middle school basketball for years. No coach I know would put their team against a high school to be crushed every time.

    It's ridiculous. You challenge their current level and train their weaknesses, but you always give them a chance to compete on their own level.

    Really, what is wrong with you?

  26. That part was where I wondered if this post was rage bait, because it sure worked like rage bait – if it's real, the husband needs to be divorced and thrown into a scorpion pit.

  27. This is one of the first comments I've seen that is even semi-reasonable. Agree there's no need to see the ex. Don't necessarily agree this should be a risk of messing up her current relationship, but it's probably a perfectly good call to just skip it and avoid any possible drama.

  28. Solid response from the SIL, i agree! Very supportive. Maybe the SIL can help influence the dumb soon to be dad in the right direction.

  29. This advice request is too vague to answer! It depend really too much on what exactly you said and what kind of horrible you were! Is it redeemable. How long you were doing it for – once off or prolonged over a year? What drove you to the drink? Why were you taking your problems out on your wife and family? Without details any advice will be equally vague.

  30. So can I forcibly get her to get a different job?

    And how do you imagine this woking? Seriously. i'm curious. How do you think you can force an adult into a job, not counting some kind of human trafficking situation? This is beyond me.

    She sounds like she is a freeloader and you should divorce her, but also gotta say: just the fact that you asked the question from above is lowkey alarming to me.

    Either way, if she is not interested in treating her de pression I would consider this information that this is how she wants and plans to live her life from now on. If you are not game, and I know I would not be, leave her. That is probably the closest you can get to “forcing” her to get a job, since then she won't have you paying the bills for her. But, of course, she may still not get one – you have no control over that bc she's you know a free person..

  31. What is the appropriate response and next step?

    Create some distance between the two of you and focus on your kids. Take sex off the table for a while. Don't go on any dates. Avoid all hysterical bonding urges (from within yourself) or offers (from her).

    You should both do a little individual therapy. I would make it a 100% requirement for her, because she needs to understand why she seeks validation from men who aren't her husband so she can properly combat that urge of hers in the future.

    And your therapy can help you focus on whether or not you even want to try to heal this.

    (Couple's therapy AFTER. Do not make the mistake of going straight to couple's therapy.)

  32. I wanted to continue the friendship but she ended it. It was my fault for saying what I did but I didn't intend to make her feel bad or for our friendship to end.

  33. If my boyfriend looked at me and said he was bi but had no interest in acting on it, I’d congratulate him and move on my merry way. It would have zero impact on our relationship unless he wants it to be a big deal.

  34. As a middle aged woman who has been through many phases of life and weight – pregnancies, medications, peri-menopause – I’m telling you that you need a life partner who accepts those body changes. Even if you are never overweight, you still need to know that he would love you if you did.

  35. I think that what you’re suggesting does not constitute a healthy relationship between equals. It’s you making all sacrifices and all capitulations to keep someone who doesn’t want to be there. Do you have a timeframe for how long you’re going to live your relationship on these terms? Will you indefinitely take on all the chores, plan adventures, have no expectations from her?

  36. Yes you should be concerned. And you should tell him all of this. Don't fake it if you aren't feeling it anymore, just stop and tell him why. You don't owe him head and he needs to put in the effort to meet you half way. Is he using porn more than usual?

  37. Just message “hey that concert is coming – I’d love to still go together or if plans have changed can I get my ticket from you?” and see what happens. Sometimes life gets busy as adults

  38. You got what I’m talking about. That’s my point, OP’ gf obviously wanted ex to commit to her and seeing someone else getting what she wants so bad makes OP just a placeholder.

  39. she has been in 2 relationships that fell apart due to the guys leaving her eventually after losing interest , from what i know.

  40. Is there a way to do both? Maybe with a speech how lucky you are that both your biologically and step dads are incredibly amazing men and you wanted to honor both of them for their parts in being there for you? Maybe talk to the DJ about a mashup of two songs or dance with both at the same time?

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