ღஐƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒஐღ K.yeimmiღ WELCOME EVERYONE! LOVENSE REACTS TO YOUR TIPS! LET, ‘S MAKE A GREAT SHOW TOGETHER! the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam




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Date: November 22, 2022

15 thoughts on “ღஐƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒஐღ K.yeimmiღ WELCOME EVERYONE! LOVENSE REACTS TO YOUR TIPS! LET, ‘S MAKE A GREAT SHOW TOGETHER! the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. the lash tech is our close friend from school, honestly my fault for saying anything to her i’m not surprised that she said something to her as they are closer so that’s on me. And honestly i’m happy we don’t talk as much cus she was always talking about him at any chance, i got so tired of it.

  2. He will cheat again. You can work it out I’m sure. He will cheat. It’s been effortless to stay faithful for over 30 years. It’s easy if you really love your partner.

  3. Taking this from a slightly different angle, are you and your partner both satisfied with the quality and frequency of your sex life? Because if it works for both of you that is really the critical factor.

  4. All of this. A hockey locker room is the least sexy environment possible. Everything is grimy and stinks like old sweaty hockey gear, and the lighting is unflattering for all bodies. And as an adult woman, it’s not like I haven’t seen a guy’s junk before – if I accidentally see one of my teammates’ it’s not shocking or alluring to me, it’s just a wang.

    Plus most guys who play coed hockey will come dressed in their base layers already, or change in the bathroom, and use a towel to cover up. They’re not flaunting their stuff everywhere.

  5. I think OP will be hard-pressed to find someone willing to work full-time while their partner works less and doesn't compensate for it. They earn equal amounts, I assume they split bills equally, in no way is that fair.

    My husband and I have had similar conversations. If one of us voluntarily reduces our hours, we will still split finances by percentage of income before the voluntary reduction. If he would make twice as much working full-time, then he should still be paying twice as much. The only other way this would work is if OP is compensating in some other way, like taking on the majority of housework.

    Time is money. It's not fair to ask your partner to work full-time when OP does not. I'm sure OP would balk at his partner reducing her hours and putting in less toward the bills.

  6. I like A LOT of things about her and we do a lot together, the problem is the order in which those things happen. I need sexual intimacy first, then i can do other things once that is not on my mind. It’s a need that has to be satisfied before i can function almost.

  7. I know our friendship is over but i at least want to talk one last time to explain myself.

    For whose benefit? You only want to ' explain yourself ' to stop yourself from becoming a social pariah. You betrayed your friend. There's always 2 to a tango and she's equally culpable in this, but you deliberately manufactured a situation in order to hit on her. If she wasn't a horrible human being she'd have got up and left as soon as you tried hitting on her, so I'm not trying to lessen her guilt with saying that. You've premeditated this, had no remorse since you did it again, and now you think you should be given the opportunity to explain yourself? Absolutely not. I hope this was all worth losing your friend for.

  8. Bruh, what. Please don't throw out negative accusations like that if you're not a medical professional. Her behavior can be attributed to a wide variety of things that don't involve BPD. Inappropriately promoting a stigma without solid evidence is not helpful.

  9. Good, as she lacks the blessing of having a good mother that loves her as she isn’t comfortable being a decent human being.

    You know how this sounds, right? You can’t be this delusional. This has to be a troll, even the username makes sense – you are a throw away parent. Right into the garbage with you.

  10. If you've already lost him like he said, it's time to set him free. He was an AH to keep you financing his life while he checked out of the relationship. He's not your kid, send him packing.

  11. Yeah I could see it, but it would take some time for me. Listen you don't know me, but I take lots of time to put trust into a person because of childhood trauma. In school it usually takes a few years for me to trust the teacher and not be scared of them. But that's irrelevant right now. The thing is I don't know what the next step for me here is. Should I just break up with her?

  12. What's to stop him legally using any of them though? His word means nothing right now. He could use them how he likes, and if your wife signed that form, there's nothing stopping him using the most lewd one anywhere he likes. On his websites front page, anything. This guy has proved he's not your friend by doing this in the first place, so you can't rely on assuming your 'friendship' is enough to stop him being an asshole with the pics he has now

  13. That doesn’t sound stupid at all. I know there’s been a lot of recent buzz about how psychedelics can be helpful with certain conditions. I’m not any kind of expert on that so I can’t give you any guidance on that but I think anything that could be helpful is worth at least looking into.

    I do think it’d be good for you to try EMDR or another type of trauma focused therapy. It definitely sounds like you dealt with some serious adversity growing up and those wounds can take a lot of time and work to heal fully.

    I grew up in a house with a lot of screaming fights and storming out, so I had very little understanding of how conflicts can be resolved or worked through, which is ultimately a skill that you can learn. But it is very tough to actually do that skill if your lizard trauma brain is bracing for somebody to start screaming at you, even if that’s not something your partner has ever actually done, and even though you’re not actually a helpless child in that situation but rather a fully grown adult. It took me a long time with my partner to figure out how to actually work through conflict productively but it’s now something I can handle.

    Wishing you peace and healing as you move forward. ?

  14. Just be your dorky self. There is no way you have hidden it from him this whole time and if he’s walking with you, he definitely likes you in some level.

    Only thing you gotta do is be confident. You’re a cool dude and he should understand that already. If he doesn’t, that’s his loss.

  15. and? how is telling him something about the beginning of the relationship lying at this moment? He said “when we first started dating I thought she wasnt attractive”

    this doesnt equal him saying “I dont think shes attractive” Today.

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