? PVT OPEN – ORGASM INCLUDED??? the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam




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? PVT OPEN - ORGASM INCLUDED??? on-line sex chat

Date: October 12, 2022

14 thoughts on “? PVT OPEN – ORGASM INCLUDED??? the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Maybe say something along the lines of “Hey, when I was on your phone earlier I saw what your brother said and it really hurt me. I know he's young but I don't think him saying something like that is appropriate at all. ” and see where its goes. Surely if his parents found out they'd be disgusted? Good luck!

  2. There may be other issues like you say, but it’s their house so why not just respect their wishes? If you don’t like it consider staying somewhere else.

  3. It would be good for him to get therapy for what he's gone through if he hasn't already…

    I do think it's absolutely fair for you to not want to attend events with his dad. I don't know about telling him not to talk to his dad in front of you… I can't imagine how nude it must be to reconcile the father he loves with the monster he really is. It sounds like his dad is really good at putting your boyfriend in a position where he feels guilty not talking to him. So then you're possibly looking at this situation where he feels guilty not talking to him, but also feels guilty talking to him because of how you feel about it. Rock and a very hot place. What I might do instead is have a serious conversation about whether this continued contact and the nature of it is really the best thing for your boyfriend's mental health and well-being. Is he doing it for himself or for his dad? And if it's the latter, is that really something his dad deserves? Is he doing damage to himself to placate a man who doesn't deserve it? Again though, therapy is a good place to talk this stuff out.

  4. If you don’t leave this poor excuse for a human please don’t be surprised when the physical and mental abuse continues and escalates.

  5. Ty for your long response. It’s really helpful. Bc that IS the life I live.. wondering if he’s just recently jacked off.

  6. That would have been the message for me that we were not meant to be

    My ex posted on their dating apps “I'm very close to my ex; if you don't like that you can move on.” Now has a lovely relationship with someone that respects our long friendship

  7. None of this is healthy. Postpone the wedding because you will be miserable if you start a marriage like you currently are.

    You have tons of unresolved trauma which is why a song is triggering for you.

    Your fiancé feels completely left in the dark because you won’t talk to her about said trauma. And is now trying to put a happier meaning to something horribly traumatic and doesn’t understand what is going on because you haven’t processed or confided in her.

    This isn’t about a song.

    This is about you not processing your grief and your trauma from a very difficult time in your life and it is now poisoning your future.

    Talk to a therapist, talk to your SO, just talk about that time and that pain and process it. Stop trying to bury that suffering young man because he needs to come out and heal or you will never have a future.

    If you just cover over a wound and never clean it, an infection will form. And that infection will eventually kill you. Your trauma is that wound and you have to open it up and flush it out and let it heal.

  8. Dude just break up with her already so she can starr the process of moving on. You're already cheating on her. Do her a favor and break up!

  9. He reminds me of me, socially. I'm not so successful career-wise.

    I've come to the conclusion people are just threatened. Attractive + intelligent? Most people will feel like they are a stepdown when they hang out with you.

    Also doesn't help that from past experiences, I'm quite hesitant to form close social bonds immediately. Idk about your partner, but I've come to be quite okay with doing things on my own. Sometimes I get an itch of resentment, but otherwise I'm rather content to let people live their lives.

    I can have a rich and meaningful life without needing an excuse for why people just don't want to hang out with me.

  10. He’s abusive. How do you respond? Date someone else.

    First of all, it’s NOT normal or healthy to be having arguments every month. Next, it’s downright abusive to behave like he does.

    Someone could talk to me (44F) like that precisely one time. And then I’d be done. I don’t need that kind of crap in my life. And if you have any interest in having kids later, you know he’ll do the same to kids and mess them up.

  11. I don’t think you’re ready to get married either. If some guy bugging you is turning you on when you’re engaged, you’re just too young. And I wouldn’t say anything to your fiancé either it will change your relationship in a way that you won’t like. It’ll also threaten their friendship. I would just stay away from the guy. You’re gonna live a long life and have a lot of feelings and you don’t have to. I’ve done all of them and they will pass and just move on.

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